Winston Aldworth: Making the most of airport queues
There's something uniquely annoying about airport queues.
There's something uniquely annoying about airport queues.
David Attenborough has documented many species on our planet, but an in-depth study of the luggage waddler would be a welcome addition to his oeuvre.
The received wisdom has it that we should be hurrying to Cuba before the hordes of tourists defile the place and it loses its charm.
COMMENT: As user-pays creeps into airline travel, so too does user-didn't-pay, and this can make for a slightly awkward journey from both sides of the plane ticket.
COMMENT: The bare bones are simple: if you think sexual assault is hilarious, you're going to love these guys.
The Belgians we met were straight-up people. They liked good, straight-up things done well.
OPINION: Let's try to make this painless. Resist the urge to sigh, or worse - joke.
OPINION: It's been 37 years since the movie Midnight Express painted a grim picture for travellers pondering the thrill of breaking local laws.
We're fairly confident that the Travel magazine you're holding in your hands is the biggest weekly newspaper travel magazine in the world right now.
The early bird gets the car he's paid for, writes Grant Bradley after an odd exchange in Hawaii.
There are many little things about flying that bug me. Today, it's the size of airline boarding passes that's got my goat.
Of all the people I've met, the people who think it's fun to meet people have been the most fun to meet.
A few weeks ago, I was telling my parents about my upcoming trip to the South Island.
Knowing how to greet people as you travel to different destinations with various cultures, religions and customs can be a tricky issue.
Confession: I've got such a terrible sense of direction that it's a miracle I can find my way home at night.
Hats - in case you ever visit my campground - go in the hat box. And shoes - you'll find - belong in the shoe box.
There exists, somewhere, a photo of a certain Travel Editor scaling the side of the Beehive in about 1994.
The news last week that the top hotel rooms are not always the cleanest will have had most of you squirming.
Look online but book directly with Africa's hotels, writes Rachel Ward.
The Clever Travel Companion's T-shirt and tank top keep valuables almost concealed and right under your nose.
While most of you were cowering under what was left of your tent on the Coromandel or up north, I was holding the fort here in Auckland, Shandelle writes.
Forget museums or art galleries, hotel rooms are full of aesthetic masterpieces, says Kevin Pilley.
After a long year, Travel Editor Winston Aldworth looks ahead.
Taxpayers should not be funding the extension of Wellington Airport's runway, writes Winston Aldworth.
Intrepid travel writer Kevin Pilley goes belly up at yet another folk show.
Our annual survey shows how much Kiwis love getting away - especially to the beach, writes Shandelle Battersby.
How choice would it be if the national carrier were to sign up the country's most eligible pilot?