Kiwi households paying 'almost 80 per cent more for power today than in 1990'
Distributors are not making "excessive profits", electricity pricing review finds.
Distributors are not making "excessive profits", electricity pricing review finds.
The largest power poles proposed for Maungatapu will be 35 and 45 metres tall.
Electricity use is set to double in NZ as petrol use falls and gas and coal is phased out
We look back at the six worst power cuts that have plunged Auckland in the dark before.
System review to determine if false sense of security exists on reliability of supply.
Transpower reconnected the Bay of Plenty town to the National Grid just after 2.30pm.
The outage will occur between 9am and 5pm today.
Southern lake levels are below average and generators are cutting back on hydro power.
The birds have chosen the worst place possible to build their nests.
COMMENT: Companies with higher ESG ratings are, on average, outperforming their peers.
An Alpine Fault earthquake could cut the West Coast from the main grid for many weeks.
COMMENT: Problems can rise in scaling start-ups into a larger sustainable company.
The power has been restored to most of South Auckland, as a month of rain fell in 24 hours
New Zealand's power system will need some "modest investment" to shore up the security of supply.
Transpower reported a higher first-half profit as the state-owned company saw a rise in transmission revenue.
COMMENT: Boardroom conversation is an art form for some and a learned skill for others.
COMMENT: Governance cannot be that bad, given the growing interest in directorships from many individuals.
The Commerce Commission has cut the rate of return that local electricity lines networks and national grid owner Transpower can charge in its latest decisions on monopoly network pricing.
Work is suspended at site where pylon collapsed, injuring a young man.
Cheaper in the South, dearer in the North - a charging proposal for electricity transmission has been released today.
Henri Eliot talks publishing a skills matrix that provides shareholders with the information needed to evaluate a board's skill set mix.
Henri Eliot talks to professional directors Mark Verbiest, Tony Carter, Doug McKay and Rob Campbell about their focal points in 2016.
Hydro lake levels are falling and wholesale power prices rising as drought threatens in parts of the country.
Vector says compensation from this month's power cuts - which affected 85,000 customers - won't be discussed until the cause of the fire that sparked them was known.
Up to 80 per cent of Auckland electricity customers have signed contracts that allow their hot water to be cut off - but many were unaware until the blackouts.
Some Auckland residents were without hot water until late this morning following yet another fault with Vector’s electricity network.
An investigation into the substation fire which cut power to tens of thousands of Aucklanders will be jointly carried out by Transpower and Vector.
About 200 customers remain without power after extreme weather damaged power lines in the central and lower North Island yesterday.
When the lights go out over a large part of a city the size of Auckland, questions must be asked. How did this happen? Who allowed it to happen? Whose head must roll?