Latest fromTransport

Bus drivers pushing the limit
Shocked education officials are surprised police won't put more effort into catching bus drivers who speed through special 40km/h zones.

Air NZ passengers find ID loophole
Cheeky air travellers have found a way to bend the rules by using self-service kiosks in domestic terminals.

Taxi drivers offered sonic defence
Taxi operators are being offered a sound "barrier" so intolerable to the ear that its promoter is confident it will neutralise any attacker.

Holiday travellers keeping safer by following rules
By Sunday afternoon last Queen's Birthday Weekend, nine people had died on the roads but police believe drivers are abiding by the rules this year.

Police hope to avoid Queen's Birthday holiday carnage
Police plan to crack down on speeding motorists doing as little as 4km over the limit this weekend.

Protest threat to holiday traffic flow
Holidaymakers making an early break out of Auckland this afternoon face added disruption on the main road north, from opponents of the Super City.

<i>Brian Rudman:</i> Sad lack of heritage trams makes ultra-modern railway better option
We must not overlook practicality in our haste to leave a legacy, writes Brian Rudman.