Latest fromTransport

Minister, airlines demand answers
The body responsible for Auckland Airport's runway lights is under fire from airlines and a Govt minister after Saturday's outage.

Lights on... but chaos rules
Thousands still suffered yesterday as Auckland International Airport struggled to clear the backlog of passengers disrupted by its closure.

Angry commuter: We stopped U2 train
Anger among commuters trapped on a train crowded with U2 fans, rather than random idiocy, is being blamed for disrupted rail services to the first of the Irish band's two Mt Smart concerts.

Glowing case for Akl rail tunnel gets cool response
Consultants have produced a glowing business case for a $2 billion-plus inner Auckland rail tunnel.

Akl rail tunnel expected complete in 7 years
Auckland Mayor Len Brown expects a $2 billion rail tunnel through central Auckland to be completed within seven years, but who will pick up the bill remains uncertain.

Flights booked out for U2 concerts
Flights from Wellington and Christchurch to Auckland were all but booked out on both Air New Zealand and Jetstar for today, tomorrow and Friday.

Council official accused of $840,000 scam
Pair face hundreds of charges over roading work paid for but allegedly never done.

Tamaki Drive carparking spaces moved after crash
Four car parking spaces have been removed from the scene of a fatal crash involving a cyclist in Auckland earlier this week.

Christchurch bus fleet 'disturbing'
Police are appalled at the condition of Christchurch's bus fleet after a sting that saw 28 buses pulled off the city's streets.