Latest fromTransport

Hapu: Rail loop safe from taniwha
Representatives of Auckland's Ngati Whatua hapu say mention of a taniwha under the CBD should...

Taniwha debate raises valid point
The heritage advisor for Auckland's main iwi hadn't heard of an inner-city taniwha before yesterday, but he says the point about consultation over the CBD Rail Link project is valid.

Day of multiple crashes ends fatality-free run
After a holiday lull, the accidents start again on NZ's most dangerous roads.

Look out, taniwha on the Auckland rail track
Plans for an Auckland city rail link tunnel could be spiked by a taniwha - a spiritual creature...

Broadsides: Is Auckland's public transport busted?
MPs Jacinda Ardern and Nikki Kaye address Auckland's public transport issues.

Holiday road toll ends at zero
For the first time in more than 50 years there have been no fatal accidents on the roads this Queen's Birthday holiday weekend.

On the road to a death-free holiday
Police say motorists have driven sensibly in what shaped up to be a welcome first.

Police get tough on speeders for holiday
Drivers caught going more than 4km/h over posted speed limit will be ticketed.