Latest fromTransport

Fuel tax hike to pay for road costs
Fuel tax is likely to rise by about 3.5c per litre over the next two years to help fund hundreds of millions in additional government spending on "roads of national significance" such as the Puhoi to Welsford highway.

K Rd bus shelters $2m toilet, says union chief
Auckland Tramways leader says narrow pedestrian passageway poses security risk.

Summer relief in sight on Kopu Bridge
Holidaymakers can expect a faster run to the Coromandel Peninsula before the end of summer.

Ask Phoebe: Tunnel links are the way out
Johnstone's Hill escape routes allow motorists to cross in case of accident.

Choose your car colour wisely
In studies done in Europe, Asia, and the United States, silver proved to be the safest vehicle colour - although everyone knows red is fastest.

MP tram proposal 'election year ploy'
Auckland Central MP Nikki Kaye denies trying to hitch an electioneering ride back to Parliament on an ambitious tramway proposal, saying she started work on it last year.

Airlines coy about big fee grab
It's the refund you can claim when your airfare is non-refundable - but few travellers appear to know about it.

Economy shows surprising muscle
GDP growth twice as strong as forecasters picked despite earthquake