SkyPath opponents reach deadline
The community groups challenging the SkyPath plan in the Environment Court have reached their deadline to finalise their issues with the proposal.
The community groups challenging the SkyPath plan in the Environment Court have reached their deadline to finalise their issues with the proposal.
Auckland commuters lose 20 working days a year sitting in jams, according to the annual Tomtom survey released this week.
Day-trippers heading out of Auckland should expect a slower than normal journey.
Mum pushes child in pram more than 2kms uphill after bus driver refuses to let her on.
ADVICE: Auckland Transport is your best bet. If the car has not been reported stolen, the police are unable to help, as you now know.
The company assuredly would not again put buses on the road if its drivers were refusing to take fares, and passengers would know which side was to blame.
For one hour every morning, Wellington is one of the worst cities in the world to be stuck in traffic.
EDITORIAL: Witty messages on the back of a vehicle can be amusing, however not those displayed on the campervan company Wicked Campers.
You'll still have to be 18 to set up an Uber account to use with the ride-hailing service's "Family Profiles" feature.
COMMENT: The knowledge that AT can't maintain a simple circuit service in normal times must be good news for shoe shops. But not for the rest of us.
COMMENT: If you live in the city, maybe it's time to work out the real cost of owning your car and see whether it makes sense (and dollars) to live without a car.
Auckland has been no exception, but now the central city is entering years of greater upheaval than it has probably previously endured.
Taxi fares from Auckland Airport are set to drop as new rules for taxi operators come into place.
Praying for an end to March Madness on the roads? Prepare for April Absurdity, May Mania and more.
A father says his daughters were traumatised when a bus driver honked and yelled at them, threatening to "wipe them out" because they were parked in a bus lane.
Female passengers suffered leg injuries when vessel was hit by a large wave.
Auckland Airport's new taxi tender will shake up the way taxi drivers run their business.
The 3-metre wide cycleway will be a mixture of two-way cycle lanes and a shared path.
Some Auckland bus drivers are refusing to handle cash for more than a week from tomorrow as they continue their bitter industrial dispute.
Work out just how much of your time - and your hard-earned cash - you spend travelling to work each day.
Taxi driver loses $200 after woman does runner with $437 on meter.
The annual battle for a spot on the bus has kicked off with commuters waiting in the rain for a bus with room and journeys taking up to 1.5 hours.
Fares on Auckland's public transport services are going up today.
Changes at end of month will make charges fairer leading into simpler zone system, says Auckland Transport.
Residents say they have been left disgusted, disappointed and frustrated and feel their arguments fell on deaf ears.
KiwiRail has told Auckland Council the city's existing rail network needs costly upgrades - some described as urgent four months ago.
The Auckland Bus dispute is not any closer to reaching a settlement and likely to cause even more disruption to Auckland commuters over the days and weeks ahead, writes Richard Wagstaff.
ROLLING COVERAGE: Everything you need to know as Auckland hit by 24-hour bus strike.
For the first time, central and local government have partnered to work out the solutions to Auckland's transport issues.