Supermarket giant in court battle over Eastern Busway extension plans
The supermarket is upset about possible parking issues during the major busway project.
The supermarket is upset about possible parking issues during the major busway project.
A court says pedestrian and vehicle access near the CRL site must be upheld.
OPINION: In memory of Rod Oram, inspired by Janette Sadik-Khan and Sir Peter Gluckman.
Each part of the bridge removed from the water will be lifted onto a barge.
Developer Stan Semenoff has been cleared of a nearby resident's concerns
OPINION: 'Our new Government has an opportunity to demonstrate compassion.'
OPINION: 'Build a new bridge, right beside the existing one, on the eastern side.'
SeaLink has announced a return to regular ferry services to Tryphena Wharf from tomorrow.
Roading work is expected to last up to 10 years, Transport Minister says.
Govt wants 30-year infrastructure project pipeline – 'not just ideas but proper projects'.
The buses operate like Uber and could be expanded to the rest of the city, if successful.
NZTA is expecting more than 20,000 extra vehicles on the roads this weekend.
The proposed Waipū service station will create traffic safety concerns, objectors say.
Emergency services responding to 'mass casualty' event in Baltimore.
The bridge is part of the $655 million Takitimu North Link project.
Now is the right time for the Ruakākā highway development, director Barry Trass says.
Eleven reasons why Auckland transport plans will cause the thing they're supposed to cure.
The review focuses on 10 of the biggest US airlines, some of which operate in NZ.
Officials warned revenue, mainly fuel taxes, would need to double.
Red and green tape and orange cones on 'lofty' projects are the bane of Brown's existence.
Two track workers had to run for their lives when a train nearly hit them last year.
The train was reportedly travelling three times over the limit when the crash occurred.
Minister for Auckland Simeon Brown briefs Auckland business leaders amid calls for more urgent infrastructure delivery and central Government involvement. Video / NZ Herald
Transport Minister Simeon Brown speaks to Project Auckland briefing.
The City Rail Link is almost done with the new stations shaping up. Video / Corey Fleming / City Rail Link
After years of disruption, the finishing touches are coming together.
The crash has now been cleared but caused major delays for commuters on the way to work.
AT has developed a five-point plan for the next three years to deliver better service.
OPINION: The Crown holds the purse strings. The mayor needs to understand that.
Malaysian developer is spending $600m to regenerate a historical area of Auckland.