Auckland council car park to skyrocket to $40 a day
Commuters have paid $24 until now.
Commuters have paid $24 until now.
COMMENT: Whangaparaoa's Penlink needs to start sooner than 2028.
Candlelight vigils and walks are being planned across the country in memory of Grace.
Trainspotters are waiting to see the condition of the Auckland to Northland railway line.
COMMENT: Labour mayors in the three big cities are ramming through cycle ways.
Fergus Gammie tendered his resignation to the NZTA board, which was accepted.
Today's breakthrough proves the project is on track, City Rail Link CEO says.
Last week, NZTA contacted around 10,000 motorists about the same issue.
Fatal landslip menace on main North Island railway line a century ago.
The research looked at cycling and walking paths built in New Plymouth and Hastings.
Christmas-crazy Aucklanders were treated to an early Christmas experience on the train.
To swap life in the congested capital for a home in the countryside.
If you're flying on any of these 10 days, be prepared.
A Chinese seatbelt manufacturer, used in retrofitted Kiwi vehicles has been deemed unsafe.
A vehicle inspector in Onehunga was 'non-compliant in almost every area', NZTA says.
A contractor working on NZ's largest infrastructure project made a loss for the year.
Police to investigate 'reckless and dangerous' stunt caught on camera.
From 7am today until midday tomorrow, fuel pumps at Gull around the nation will be busy.
Queen is about to become a pedestrian mall at last.
Ryan Walsh was driving along State Highway 7 on Sunday when a tree flattened his car.
Even our good men in uniform are jumping on the Lime train!
Traffic levels are starting to increase as commuters head home.
Talk about thinking inside the box to stay warm and dry as you pedal!
COMMENT: Kids don't bike to school, they're driven due to traffic, lifestyle, distance.
COMMENT: $23m for kids' bikes - and why does minister feel the need to recreate the 1980s?
COMMENT: Beehive is happy enough to fork out $23m to get more kids on bikes.
By taxing heavy polluting cars nearly half of car sales in Norway are electric.
Funding allocated to teach children how to bike at school.
KiwiRail has received $40 million of Crown funding for service in the South Island.