Latest fromTransit NZ
Grieving dad: 'He was a great lad ... but unfortunately he smoked cannabis'
A dad is calling for an overhaul of the way drivers are tested for illicit substances.
'We've had a gutsful': Truckies say SH1 works a nightmare
Its completion has been delayed by more than a year. When will the Takanini work be done?
Auckland roading project increases safety issues, say locals
A 2012 report found roundabouts should be preferred over signalised intersections.
Mystery lagoon death: Autopsy conducted today
Sarah Mayne's body was found in the lagoon near Frank Kitts Park on Saturday morning.
Simon Wilson: Why are the Albert St plans so bad?
Plans for Albert St after the CRL build are "deeply disappointing". How did that happen?
Comment: Light rail best for Auckland's many needs
COMMENT: Light rail would best serve Auckland commuters as well as the airport.
Brian Rudman: Time to bite the bullet on Auckland rail
COMMENT: Let's bite the bullet and build a heavy rail spur from the airport to Puhinui.
Time to stop talking trash about transport
COMMENT: Govt's new transport policy has generated an awful lot of nonsensical comment.
Simon Wilson: Getting city moving, strike three
COMMENT: Government's transport plan is a big shift in priorities, Simon Wilson writes.
Watch NZH Local Focus: Sealing the way to Waikaremoana
A plan to tar-seal State Highway 38 is underway. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Light rail to Auckland Airport confirmed
Light rail between Auckland's CBD and the airport has been confirmed.
Auckland Airport's record high
Auckland Airport handled close to one million international passengers in December as tourism booms and concern about pressure on infrastructure grows.
Brian Rudman: Mayor Maurice? It'll be a fun race
What many were predicting would be a one-horse race for one of the biggest political prizes in the land, could at last come alive, writes Brian Rudman.
High-vis gear for cyclists a 'no-brainer'
A coroner says high visibility clothing should be compulsory for cyclists after the death of a senior police officer who was hit by a truck while riding his bike.