Alexandra Sims: Relax law and let artists go crazy
COMMENT: The economic and cultural disadvantages of a longer period of protection outweigh the economic benefits to copyright owners.
COMMENT: The economic and cultural disadvantages of a longer period of protection outweigh the economic benefits to copyright owners.
Trade Minister Todd McClay says he sees no reason why big pharmaceutical firms would stop supplying new medicines in New Zealand.
No argument against the proposed TPP packs more emotional punch than the claim that the deal would be bad for people's health.
COMMENT: Recent estimates show that most members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership will make substantial gains, unlike those who opt not to participate.
COMMENT: The cost and availability of expensive new medicines like Keytruda are still at risk from the TPP despite government assurances.
Annette Sykes has told the Waitangi Tribunal a clause to protect the Treaty of Waitangi under the TPP does not offer the protection it appears to.
Five other countries have informally expressed interest in joining the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.
Under Key and Turnbull's leadership, the relationship between the nations is now stronger and closer than between any other country on earth, writes Alex Malley.
Threats to tear up Trans-Pacific Partnership have damaging implications for our trade.
The employers of a protester who threw a sex toy at Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce will not say whether she will face disciplinary action.
For this lukewarm opponent of regional trade agreements, the TPP is a so-so deal with small net gains, writes Jim Rose.
Magali Silva says small countries need to enter mega-regional agreements to thrive, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
Fierce debate that surrounded the TPP signing will move to Parliament today as the Government starts the process to ratify the huge trade deal
United States Trade Representative Mike Froman has rolled out a welcome mat to newbie ambassador to the US, Tim Groser.
A celebration lunch for TPP ministers was cancelled at short notice because of concerns protesters could breach security and invade the premises.
The good news for the Government is that Hone Harawira and his friends just made its sales job a lot easier, writes Audrey Young.
Signed and sealed but not yet delivered, the TPP will now be put through the wringer in member countries for ratification.
Protesters who stormed Auckland's CBD for five hours and shut down on-ramps to the motorway believe they achieved their goal of total disruption and had their voices heard.
Twelve Pacific rim countries have signed a sweeping trade deal in New Zealand today. Hailed as the "biggest trade deal in a generation", the TPP is designed to free up trade and investment between the countries.
The National Government will today ignore widespread opposition from ordinary New Zealanders when it signs the secretly negotiated deal, writes Jane Kelsey.
The Herald's David Fisher gives an eye-witness account of today's TPP protests in downtown Auckland.
All motorway access points are now open after protesters blockaded central city off-ramps earlier this afternoon in Auckland.
Police have dismissed suggestions they were heavy-handed in dealing with TPP protesters.
The Trans Pacific Partnership has been officially signed at a ceremony in Auckland today.
For the primary sector the TPP confers boundless opportunities not only for agriculture but for future generations of New Zealanders and their prosperity, writes William Rolleston.
We are a small export nation and trade is our lifeblood. Every region in New Zealand relies on trade, writes Todd McClay