Police data reveals assaults on traffic camera operators have soared
There’s not enough data to understand what’s caused the rise, police say.
There’s not enough data to understand what’s caused the rise, police say.
Sport is what helped him pass the police fitness tests regularly.
Waikato Regional Council has confirmed the notorious stretch of SH1 is a priority.
There is no signage or other mode of warning about the risk.
More than 100 cars were involved in boy racer events on Thursday night.
He died at the scene despite CPR efforts.
Waipawa's new roundabout causing concern, mayor says it is a "no brainer".
There is life south of the Bombays, but it’ll take you twice as long to reach it.
Waka Kotahi advised motorists at 3.30pm that a crash was causing disruptions on SH20.
The crash happened on West Coast Rd around 5.10am.
More than 600 public submissions were made on the council's new parking bylaw.
Motorists face lengthy delays after a car burst into flames on SH16.
Three southbound lanes just after Tristram Ave are blocked.
Yes, Auckland traffic is the worst.
Gisborne letters: more opposition to Grey St project, council processes.
Kiwis who cycle or run to work to keep fit say the positives far outweigh the negatives.
Heavy rain and wind warnings are in place for parts of the South Island.
“We do not understand why it happened,” police said.
E-scooter imports have soared yet riders may be unaware they are using them illegally.
Motorists are advised to expect delays following a serious crash in Waterview.
Southbound lanes on the motorway were badly congested, with a 7km backlog at midday.
Council commissioners will decide on Monday whether to go ahead with improvements.
What Gisborne people are thinking - our letters to the editor for May 17.
The conditions of the patients are currently unknown.
Road users are advised to follow directions from traffic controllers on-site.
Resurfacing works are moving into the next phase.
The Auckland Mayor earlier warned that the 'manure hits the fan' if nothing changed.
A park and ride shuttle service, T2 lanes and a free toll road are measures proposed.
New bridge on SH43 expected to be a safer traffic route.