Police investigating after motorway head-on crash footage leaked
"Police take these matters seriously and we are disappointed at what occurred."
"Police take these matters seriously and we are disappointed at what occurred."
The incident happened at the intersection of Nelson and Cook Sts on Wednesday morning.
The airport says a $100m upgrade of roads in its campus is one of eight big projects.
Ferrari test driver revved up to enjoy the noise, expert says.
An earlier crash is clear of the lanes on the approach to the Harbour Bridge.
Traffic is heavy into the Auckland CBD from parts of the city this morning.
Bus services and drivers should expect delays from East Auckland.
Scattered showers in the North Island, and a deluge in Canterbury to end school holidays.
Traffic queues stretched for up to 8km after a crash near Auckland Harbour Bridge.
Its completion has been delayed by more than a year. When will the Takanini work be done?
Anadion Albertkiu wants her baby son to know he will never be forgotten.
The one-vehicle crash happened heading south near Papakura.
Former MP Mike Sabin's investigation helps clear tourist driver of fatal charges.
The area where the accident happened is reportedly a common crash site.
Police abandoned the chase after the driver headed north in a southbound motorway lane.
At least 40 loose panels were found on the Victopia building after the first one fell.
A crash on the Southern Motorway has brought southbound traffic to a standstill.
A number of incidents throughout the Auckland network are causing disruptions.
Auckland Transport now says Nelson St to remain closed until next week at least.
Drivers are warned they will need to merge down to two lanes.
All going well, Victoria St West will be open to traffic later today.
Second brush with death for the former jockey after she was thrown from a horse in 2016.
Tenants told they are safe after 40kg panel blew off apartment building in storm.
The good news is the weather is starting to come right.
CBD chaos: Streets could remain closed for a week.
Motorists are being advised to leave their cars at home and catch public transport.
Auckland CBD workers, leave your car at home or face delays, Auckland Transport warns.
A motorists' watchdog has hit back, telling the city not to punish car owners.
The car made it from Manurewa to Silverdale before suspects were apprehended.