Beef prices continue to set records
Global dairy markets have plummeted but New Zealand beef prices have continued to hit record highs, while sheepmeat prices have stayed firm, Rabobank says.
Global dairy markets have plummeted but New Zealand beef prices have continued to hit record highs, while sheepmeat prices have stayed firm, Rabobank says.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a proposed regional free-trade agreement featuring 12 countries from the Asia Pacific region. Do you support NZ's involvement?
Gardening is the gigantic seller for New Zealand's biggest DIY, homeware, trade and household goods chains, dominating all other product category lines.
China's President Xi Jinping this morning met new Labour leader Andrew Little and paid tribute to the party's role as a "trail blazer" in the relationship between New Zealand and China.
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare shares have soared to a record high after the medical device maker's sixth profit guidance upgrade in two years.
Dairy farmers should be able to weather a low payout for the current season, thanks to last year's record milk price, but two poor seasons in a row would put the sector under financial stress,....
Both Prime Minister John Key and Opposition leader Andrew Little want to press visiting President Xi Jinping for Chinese investment that benefits New Zealand.
For a long time the Lucky Country drew Kiwis to its shores, but as its economy changes we look at some of the risks of relocating to Australia.
Ahead of his third visit to New Zealand tonight, China's President Xi Jinping has penned this letter to New Zealanders.
A China-New Zealand television co-production agreement is set to help Kiwi producers access the Chinese market as the country eyes greater controls on foreign television content.
President Barack Obama's Asia trip and related summits have generated much press coverage about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.To the extent the Democratic Party's election drubbing has figured into TPP stories, the implications for the partnership have of
The Chinese President's state visit is a massive marketing opportunity for NZ, with a large contingent of Chinese media set to arrive this week.
So much for the catchphrase "Don't mention the war" - these days no leader in want of a free trade deal should let a historic war go to waste, writes Claire Trevett.
The NZ dollar held near a seven-year high against the yen before services sector and retail sales figures that are expected to show the domestic economy continues to grow apace.
The free trade deal announced with South Korea is extremely good news for a number of our export industries, writes Liam Dann.
There is broad global support for moves to curb international tax avoidance, Finance Minister Bill English said on the sidelines of the G20 Leaders' Summit in Brisbane.
John Key says major companies have been asked not to exploit the gap left by other countries' trade sanctions on Russia because to do so would be a "terrible look" for NZ.
Prime Minister John Key says Russia has tried to reignite free trade talks - but New Zealand has made it clear it will not budge until Russia buckles to international demands over Ukraine.
Sitting around the big table in Brisbane this weekend, the 20 leaders should take a good refreshing breath of the Pacific air, and drink plenty of the water.