Latest fromTrade

OCR expected to hold at 3.5%
The January OCR review saw a shift in the bank's stance from a tightening bias to neutral.

Group out to halt wharf plan
A protest group of concerned Aucklanders has joined the outcry against two large wharf extensions by Ports of Auckland, which eventually wants to reclaim 3ha of seabed between the wharves.

Over 20 Trans Pacific Partnership protests in action
Thousands of people opposed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement will join protests today.

Air NZ warned over insurance sales
Air New Zealand has been issued with a formal warning by the Commerce Commission and will stop pre-selecting travel insurance for passengers buying tickets online.

Dairy prices up 1.1pc overnight
Dairy product prices rose in the latest overnight GlobalDairyTrade auction.

Relief as US wharf strike ends
Resolution of industrial action at ports along the West Coast of the United States has come as a relief to New Zealand meat producers who have been shut off from a lucrative market.

Oz co-op confirms milk price forecast
Murray Goulburn, Australia's biggest dairy co-operative, has confirmed a full-year forecast farmgate price of A$6 per kg of milk solids.

Diligent expects 19% rise in sales
Diligent Board Member Services expects sales growth of up to 19 per cent in 2015 as it attracts customers to its BoardBooks service, and plans to launch a new product this year.

Terms of trade fall 1.9%
New Zealand's export dollar does not stretch as far as it did, after the terms of trade fell 1.9 per cent in the last three months of 2014.

Alarm over UK farm output drop
An alarming decline in food production at British farms will leave shoppers at the mercy of prices and quality elsewhere in the world, warns a UK farming report.

Plain packs - heat on Govt
The Government is being lobbied to bring the tobacco plain-packaging bill back to Parliament for a final vote.

Anthony Healy: Shared Oz-NZ goals need refresh
New Zealand and Australia are currently co-hosting the Cricket World Cup so perhaps this is an opportune time to ask a rather difficult question of our neighbours across the Tasman. Are we really working as a team?

Fonterra 'on track' to hit payout
Fonterra chief financial officer Lukas Paravicini rejects the notion that the co-operative is playing safe in keeping this season's farm gate milk price forecast at $4.70 a kilogram of milksolids.

Small trade surplus last month
New Zealand eked out a merchandise trade surplus of $56 million last month, its first since last June, but on an annual basis the deficit widened to $1.4 billion from $1.2 billion for calendar....

Decision shifts port expansion step closer
Ports of Auckland will start work in April on the first step to reclaim more of the Waitemata Harbour.

Aalt Dijkhuizen: The future of NZ Dairy - more with less
Can the NZ and The Netherlands develop farming systems that will satisfy growing demand while being more environmentally sustainable?

Gold fever fades as $4b erased from funds
Judging by the barometer of hedge-fund interest, there's less to get excited about in gold these days.

High dollar doesn't equal bargain
The New Zealand dollar is trading near a record high against the Australian currency but that doesn't necessarily mean bargains for shoppers, a consumer expert says.