TPP: Legal challenge to be lodged
A legal challenge will be lodged in the High Court next week over the secrecy around the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations.
A legal challenge will be lodged in the High Court next week over the secrecy around the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations.
"We haven't seen enough, and this is not something we can sell at home, " said Mike Petersen, New Zealand's special trade envoy for agriculture.
The TPP has the potential to transform the economies of the 12 Asia-Pacific nations - but the devil, as always, is in the fine print, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
Former MP Hone Harawira has written a tongue-in-cheek open letter to President Barack Obama with his thoughts on the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.
We don't need to know what's in the TPP - the government themselves barely know, as they change their story by the day, writes Dita De Boni.
In simple terms it appears that NZ will need to pay more for our medicines in return for the possibility of greater access for our agricultural products to the other countries, writes Peter Lyons.
The dollar fell as the prospect of more easing by the Reserve Bank dented the appeal of the kiwi.
A gold-standard free trade agreement, so long the Government's goal for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, is not going to eventuate.
The dollar has rallied after what the markets perceived as a more optimistic view of the economy from Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler.
The dollar rose on speculation Wheeler may soften his language about an easing bias, and after stocks rebounded.
Playing the TPP soft cop cannot be allowed to blind Groser and his senior negotiators to NZ's own interests.
The Labour Party says the undermining of Pharmac in the Trans Pacific Partnership breaches one of its bottom lines on the trade deal.
John Key admits downside to Trans Pacific Partnership but says this is unlikely to affect consumers.
Just one year ago, it seemed unthinkable that officials in Wellington and Sydney, more typically known for their hawkishness and stubborn independence, would join the global race towards zero.
The kiwi dollar has risen to a six-and-a-half week high against the Aussie after a slump in Chinese equities markets.
The final negotiations of the TPP trade deal will take place this week. PM John Key said there would be "give and take", but he remained confident in the deal.
If Labour is to have any credibility, Andrew Little needs to have the guts to announce it will oppose the TPPA, writes Jane Kelsey.
The dollar fell after signs of weaker Chinese manufacturing activity dented demand for commodity currencies.
Prime Minister John Key says signing up to the Trans Pacific Partnership could stop the Government from banning house sales to non-residents, but alternative measures including a stamp duty or land tax could still be introduced.
Trade Minister Tim Groser and Deputy US Trade Representative Wendy Cutler got into Hawaii early last weekend to set the scene for a high-powered ministerial meeting to thrash out the bones of the....
The Finance Minister punctures dairy denials but needs an eye on recent boom and bust, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
Imports exceeded exports by $60 million or 1.4 per cent last month, pushing the annual trade deficit to $2.8 billion - the largest for six years.
The New Zealand dollar held onto some of its gain after the Reserve Bank yesterday cut the benchmark interest rate.
I could never be a currency trader. Uncertainty exists in all markets, but in currency markets you can be certain about very little.
Gay Keating explains why the Trade Minister's assurances on Pharmac don't go far enough.
The New Zealand dollar has fallen ahead of the Reserve Bank's expected interest rate cut this morning.
The dollar advanced as traders who had bet on the currency's decline took profits ahead of the tomorrow's interest rate decision.
The banks has been named bank of the year for everyday banking by consumer organisation Canstar.