TPP announcement delayed
The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement was expected to be announced at any minute - but a scheduled press conference has been cancelled.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement was expected to be announced at any minute - but a scheduled press conference has been cancelled.
Several boxes need to be ticked before the TPP comes into force.
Sometimes it takes someone a little removed from the fray to put the right perspective on the TPP issue.
The biggest free trade deal in a generation could be reached soon - but wrangling over next-generation drugs has held up progress.
Tim Groser says countries deeply immersed in TPP negotiations understand that dairy has to be resolved to NZ's satisfaction before a deal can be done.
Concluding a deal seems more important than its content, writes Jane Kelsey. The shroud of secrecy makes it impossible to sort the various "truths" from deliberate disinformation.
Prime Minister John Key managed to get a moment with the President after Mr Obama spoke in the General Assembly debate at the United Nations.
The Crown Law Office faced questions in the High Court at Wellington from a judge keen to understand why Trade Minister Tim Groser dismissed an Official Information Act request for the confidential....
Prime Minister John Key said he believes there is a growing momentum toward agreement on a Trans Pacific Partnership deal this week.
New Zealand Honey International wants a judicial declaration on whether its trademarks Manuka Doctor and Manuka Pharm amount to health claims.
Ministers can't make blanket refusals to release documents the High Court at Wellington has been told.
Steven Joyce doesn't want the Lochinver decision to cast a shadow over our relationship with China.
The process around the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is coming under judicial review in the High Court today.
Jose Miguel Porraz is negotiating an uneven Kuala Lumpur footpath as he talks up the benefits of emerging markets.
New Zealand is 'holding our ground' in the TPP talks, says Tim Groser, but there isn't any gold plated dairy deal on the way.
Sales are up for Restaurant Brands, with even Starbucks up alongside its KFC and Carl's Jnr stablemates.
Low dairy prices have continued to weigh heavily on farmer sentiment, according to Rabobank's Rural Confidence Survey.
Regulatory niggles facing exporters and an upgrade to NZ's free trade agreement with China will be among the issues discussed at a trade forum in Beijing this week.
Prime Minister John Key says the decision to reject a bid by the Chinese-owned Pure 100 to buy Lochinver Station does not send mixed messages.
Ministers turn down bid by Chinese billionaire Jiang Zhaobai to buy the Lochinver Station.
Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully is preparing to lead a trade mission to Iran amid a thawing of relations between the Islamic republic and the west.
Does this morning's big jump in world dairy prices mean an increased payout for farmers? There might be a long way to go.
Silver Fern Farms, the country's biggest meat processor, says its is forming a 50/50 joint partnership with Chinese investors.
Trade Minister Tim Groser says he remains 90 per cent certain that TPP talks will be successfully completed later this year.
Prices are expected to rise at this week's GlobalDairyTrade auction but doubts remain as to how much further improvement is in store.
Wholemilk powder prices, which are key to determining Fonterra's farm gate milk price, rose by 12.1 per cent to an average US$2078 a tonne at the last auction on September 2.