Sovereign wealth funds face a rainy day
The 46 countries that have at least one sovereign wealth fund have largely set them up for a rainy day.
The 46 countries that have at least one sovereign wealth fund have largely set them up for a rainy day.
Prime Minister says New Zealand likely to take a more transparent approach to trade negotiations with the European Union than other FTAs.
If the justification is to help local companies invest overseas, governments have lower-risk methods available that don't compromise sovereignty, such as political risk insurance, writes Bill Rosenberg.
Fried chicken at KFC and more Carl's Jr stores has boosted first half profit at Restaurant Brands.
NZOG declared today a 34.7 percent increase in "developed reserves" at the Kupe oil and gas field.
Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful - so goes the advice of investment sage Warren Buffett.
Trade talks with EU may take years to start, writes Audrey Young.
The final intellectual property chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership shows many of the more extreme demands of the pharmaceutical industry have been beaten back.
Oceana Gold is predicted to boost gold production 30 per cent to 40 per cent by 2017.
Ten major oil companies including Royal Dutch Shell, BP and Saudi Aramco declared on Friday that they totally get the climate change thing and would support measures aimed at preventing it.
Prince William will record a television programme highlighting the threat to endangered species posed by the trade in illegal wildlife products.
Nobel prize winning economist looks at how trying to help poor countries hurts them.
It was a big call for Chinese billionaire Jiang Zhaobai to seek a judicial review of the NZ Government's decision to veto a $88 million bid by one of his companies to buy Lochinver station.
The debate over this trade agreement has been more intense than any I can remember, writes John Roughan.
When prime ministers Malcolm Turnbull and John Key meet this weekend for their first official talks there will be plenty on the table to discuss.
The UMF Honey Association says it has found the solution to fake manuka honey products, developing a portable device.
Europe's chambers of commerce grouping, EuroChambres, has given its blessing to NZ being added to the EU Commission's plans for free trade talks.
The head of NZ's branch of the US Pentagon's missile and fighter jet manufacturer is trying to help Northland companies arm themselves with information to win lucrative contracts with international governments.
Malcolm Turnbull's visit to New Zealand this week - his first overseas visit as Australia's Prime Minister - reflects that the transtasman relationship matters to both countries.
The ink is barely dry on the TPP and New Zealand has the prospect of another giant free trade deal in the offing.
A businessman, 60, is alleged to have acted alone in blackmail scare that said infant formula would be poisoned.
If governments want to play by secret squirrel rules they can hardly accuse those who raise alarms based on best available information of scaremongering, writes Jane Kelsey.
Clouds continue to obscure the horizon, as uncertainty about China's slowdown clouds the outlook.
Trade Minister Tim Groser acted unlawfully in withholding some information about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the High Court has ruled.
Trial runs for a new online platform designed to provide an electronic global marketplace for day-to-day trading of dairy products are set to take place over the next few months, according to its backers.
I feel for the Labour Party as it angsts over whether to support the Trans-Pacific Partnership, writes Liam Dann. Supporting trade deals has become extremely socially awkward.