TPP fine print needed on land sales
Will the TPP prevent the Government from banning sales of houses or land to foreigners?
Will the TPP prevent the Government from banning sales of houses or land to foreigners?
The main point of the TPP exercise has not been achieved, writes Bryan Gould. Tariff-free access for our dairy produce into US, Canadian and Japanese markets has been denied to us.
Finance spokesman Grant Robertson said his party wanted to reserve the right to legislate in the best interests of New Zealanders.
Editorial: Dairy products might not have gained much easier access to Japan and North America but agricultural exports are firmly in the agreement.
FRAN O'SULLIVAN: Geneva has the WTO. Brussels hosts the European Union. Will the Trans-Pacific Partnership put Auckland on the map?
Investors adopt a 'risk-on' attitude as trade pact is finalised and amid speculation US will keep interest rates low.
The agreement provides for the complete elimination of tariffs on New Zealand's exports to TPP nations, but with only partial liberalisation of the dairy trade.
The TPP could be improved after a few years, Trade Minister Tim Groser has said, acknowledging NZ lost against powerful forces that limited dairy sector rewards.
The TPP outcome differs from what its opponents had predicted, says lobbyist Charles Finny.
COMMENT: Deal will make it harder to control the stuff that makes people sick in the first place - tobacco, junk food and cutting down on fossil fuels.
New Zealand and 11 other countries strike Pacific trade pact - a deal that will affect 40 per cent of world's economy.
The Labour Party says the Trans Pacific Partnership appears to have failed to deliver for New Zealand with few gains for dairy farmers and potential implications for medicines.
What deals have other countries by signing up to the TPP deal?
OPINION: Trade Minister conceded a few nasty points but his brinksmanship in TPP negotiations allows him to stare down critics, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
OECD will tomorrow release final recommendations on the biggest change to international tax rules since WWII.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement was expected to be announced at any minute - but a scheduled press conference has been cancelled.
Several boxes need to be ticked before the TPP comes into force.
Tim Groser says countries deeply immersed in TPP negotiations understand that dairy has to be resolved to NZ's satisfaction before a deal can be done.
Concluding a deal seems more important than its content, writes Jane Kelsey. The shroud of secrecy makes it impossible to sort the various "truths" from deliberate disinformation.
Prime Minister John Key managed to get a moment with the President after Mr Obama spoke in the General Assembly debate at the United Nations.
Scientists and other research staff have suffered the insecurity and trauma that happens in all organisations in changing markets.
Beef exports have hit $3 billion - a record high, driven by international shortages, rising local production, and a falling New Zealand dollar, Statistics NZ said.
The Crown Law Office faced questions in the High Court at Wellington from a judge keen to understand why Trade Minister Tim Groser dismissed an Official Information Act request for the confidential....
Prime Minister John Key said he believes there is a growing momentum toward agreement on a Trans Pacific Partnership deal this week.
New Zealand Honey International wants a judicial declaration on whether its trademarks Manuka Doctor and Manuka Pharm amount to health claims.
Ministers can't make blanket refusals to release documents the High Court at Wellington has been told.
Steven Joyce doesn't want the Lochinver decision to cast a shadow over our relationship with China.