Latest fromTrade

Peru trade minister answers TPP critics
Magali Silva says small countries need to enter mega-regional agreements to thrive, writes Fran O'Sullivan.

Free trade deal with Europe ramping up
New Zealand's efforts to secure a free trade agreement with Europe are ramping up, with Trade Minister Todd McClay flying out this weekend for meetings.

Crackdown on Kiwi OE
Another British law change has just made it harder for Kiwis to live and work in the United Kingdom.

Heather du Plessis-Allan: An infuriating protest
The opposition to the TPP was ugly. Worse than that, it backfired, writes Heather du Plessis-Allan.

Fran O'Sullivan: Welcome for NZ's new man in Washington
United States Trade Representative Mike Froman has rolled out a welcome mat to newbie ambassador to the US, Tim Groser.

TPP is signed but hurdles remain
Signed and sealed but not yet delivered, the TPP will now be put through the wringer in member countries for ratification.

Toby Manhire: Key's Waitangi decision a victory for those who long for a national day more like Australia's celebration
TOBY MANHIRE: John Key's Waitangi decision is a victory for those who long for a national day more like Australia's twisted celebration.

Ramps open after protesters halt traffic
All motorway access points are now open after protesters blockaded central city off-ramps earlier this afternoon in Auckland.

As it happened: TPP signed
Police have dismissed suggestions they were heavy-handed in dealing with TPP protesters.

Brief hello, then down to business
The Trans Pacific Partnership has been officially signed at a ceremony in Auckland today.

TPP fresh chapter in a proud history
For the primary sector the TPP confers boundless opportunities not only for agriculture but for future generations of New Zealanders and their prosperity, writes William Rolleston.

Todd McClay: A cause to celebrate
We are a small export nation and trade is our lifeblood. Every region in New Zealand relies on trade, writes Todd McClay

China being kept in loop with TPP briefings
It would be a big step for powerhouse to accede to TPP agreement, with intellectual protection a thorny issue.

TPP Signing: 'Kiwis should feel proud'
Kiwis should feel immensely proud of being part of the TPP, Prime Minister John Key said ahead of today's historic signing in Auckland by 12 countries.

Mike Hosking: Labour is in a right mess over TPP
If this was such a bad deal, how is it possible that a dozen countries all got sucked in and put their name to the sort of trouble the placard wavers are proclaiming?

Editorial: NZ can take pride in TPP deal on trade
Looking back, it is hard to recall a greater diplomatic achievement than the comprehensive trade and investment agreement that will be signed by representatives of 12 countries in Auckland today.

Vietnam trade opportunities explored
Ahead of the signing of the TPP, Vietnamese business and trade leaders and exploring trade opportunities in New Zealand.

Treaty creates economic opportunity for NZ
No little boy or girl dreams of being a trade negotiator and David Walker was no exception.

Making world safe for big business
Benefits from tariff cuts under the TPP trade pact will amount to a mere $40 a year for every New Zealander, writes Tim Hazledine.

Waitangi grandstanding wasted opportunity for Maori
This year's Waitangi "issue" has been selected. It has been determined that the TPP is the most pressing issue on the Maori agenda, writes Jon Stokes.

Stephen Jacobi: What Labour's not seeing in TPP deal
In an open letter to Andrew Little, Stephen Jacobi argues Labour should take closer look at the TPP deal.

Charles Finny: TPP deserves praise from Maori, not condemnation
Former MP Hone Harawira has stated some complete falsehoods about Trans Pacific Partnership, Maori and the Treaty of Waitangi, wirtes Charles Finny.

Kelsey has soft spot for TPP 'rats'
Country's most dogged trade deal opponent had an unusual travelling companion for her town hall campaign.

Twelve-nation trade deal took long journey
With the Trans-Pacific Partnership due to be signed in Auckland on Thursday, political editor Audrey Young plots its evolution.

Fran O'Sullivan: Tune up for trade pacts
Trade liberalisation is an ongoing process and there is still much for NZ to aim for.