Latest fromTrade

Imports rise 14pc in January says Stats NZ
The total value of goods imported in January increased 14 per cent to $396m from January 2010, to a montly total of $3.3b, said Stats NZ this morning.

<i>Arthur Chin</i>: Doing business with China cultural nous helps smooth the way
A few key principles make for better relationships.

Liam Dann: Enormity of disaster means all economic bets are off
Amid the tragedy and debris it feels harsh to talk about economics and daunting to talk about getting Christchurch back to business.

Fonterra increases milk payout - $10b coming to farmers
Fonterra is increasing its forecast payout for the current season by 60 cents per kilo of milksolids. This means an average payout of around $1 million to its farmers shareholders.

Oil, gold prices soar on Libya turmoil
Investors flocked to oil and gold on world markets overnight amid escalating tensions in the Middle East, with violence in Libya gathering steam.

Carter rules out intervention on milk prices
Agriculture Minister David Carter has ruled out government intervention to keep milk prices down, saying high international prices will benefit the New Zealand economy.

Dairy prices up again - Fonterra auction up 3.9pc
The price of milk powder rose to the highest level since Fonterra began its online auctions in July 2008 in last night's auction.