Latest fromTrade

Fishing company's pay bump outrage
Shareholders baulk at move to raise director pay at Sanford.

'Miles apart' after port talks collapse
The latest attempt at mediation in the Ports of Auckland dispute appears to have failed to make progress.

Port seeking three new contractors
Ports of Auckland plans to approach at least three outside stevedore contractors this week in a bid to break an 11-month impasse with its own workers.

Trade deficit widens on oil, fertiliser imports
New Zealand's trade deficit widened in November as imports outstripped the pace of export growth.

Dollar gains to near record high against euro
The kiwi dollar has risen against the euro to near the highest level since 2002.

Ethical shopping: The price of goodness
Can your grocery shop really save the world - and would you spend any more if it did? Andrew Laxon examines the pros and cons of ethical shopping

Tim Hazledine: Greedy warriors of privilege threaten our Decent Society
The widening gap between rich and poor can't be justified and can't continue, says Tim Hazledine.

December 30, 2011 - the day no one in Samoa will ever see
Samoans will go to sleep tonight on their Thursday, December 29, and wake up on Saturday, December 31 - skipping Friday.