Small business: Exporting - Kiwi Organics
Bridget and Mike Parker of Kiwi Organics, a third generation, 22 year old certified organic farm in the world class fertile soils of the Uawa district in Tolaga Bay.
Bridget and Mike Parker of Kiwi Organics, a third generation, 22 year old certified organic farm in the world class fertile soils of the Uawa district in Tolaga Bay.
Dairy giant Fonterra and the Ministry of Primary Industries are scrambling to reassure other trading partners.
James Docking CEO, Gentrack on the company's export story.
Jill Brinsdon, director of the branding consultancy, Radiation agency. She is a speaker at the Path to Market programme run by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.
Exporting is rather front of mind at the moment with one of our largest exporters working extremely hard to regain New Zealand's clean green reputation with the world.
Four of New Zealand's top technology firms - Gallagher Group, Endace, Wynyard Group and Tait Communications - have teamed up.
Fonterra's board will conduct a "full, thorough, formal review'' into the handling of the infant formula contamination scandal, says the Fonterra chairman.
Fonterra head Theo Spierings - just back from China - delivers an apology to NZ over the formula scare, but dodges questions about his own performance.
Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings reckons Fonterra's reputation will be fully restored in the Chinese market.
Fonterra's chief apologised to consumers and the New Zealand public at a press conference today, saying all contaminated stock had been contained.
Fonterra said it had been fined $900,000 following the conclusion of a review by Chinese authorities into the pricing of dairy products in the people's republic.
There is widespread anger within the dairy industry over the length of time it was kept secret from the market while officials worked on a gameplan, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
China will not tolerate another slip-up from Fonterra, with the dairy giant caught up in its third contamination scare there since 2008, says a marketing expert.
We need to diversify. We need a concerted government-level drive to build up our other export earners, writes Paul Brislen.
Leaky homes, free market devotion and a 'festering sore' of a tourism campaign - New Zealand is coming under fire in the state-sanctioned Chinese media.
Some worried and confused parents are taking their babies to doctors, fearing the worst in the infant formula contamination scare.
Prime Minister John Key says there will be a probe into Fonterra as the Government increases pressure on the dairy giant to front up with all of the information
How big a threat the whey contamination scandal poses to New Zealand's trade and economy is just too hard to gauge yet, economists said yesterday.