Latest fromTrade
Fran O'Sullivan: Goff adding muscle to Pacific trade push
Labour's Phil Goff is back in business, adding his strong and rational voice to New Zealand's advocacy for the completion of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Dita De Boni: Trade deal could keep us on the leash
A trade agreement which New Zealand is champing at the bit to sign promises billions of dollars in extra export earnings and thousands of new jobs, according to the minister in charge, Tim Groser.
Willy Leferink: 100% Pure little to do with who we are
Wouldn't it be great if New Zealand was a brand just like a Mars Bar?
Key presses French for free trade help
After meeting with the French President and Prime Minister, John Key is pessimistic about NZ's chances of a free trade deal with the EU.
Bryan Gould: Perils of a free market free-for-all
The rich and powerful's 'free market' manipulation to their own advantage is a threat to Western democracy, writes Bryan Gould.
DVDs set to arrive in stores faster
Government planning to relax the rules on bringing in feature films but is extending ban on parallel imports.
Brian Fallow: Damage to carbon scheme revealed
The kindest view you could have of the emissions trading scheme, what's left of it, is that it is a brutally pruned seedling barely surviving in frozen ground.
Key snipes at rival on trade
Prime Minister John Key has seized on David Cunliffe's reticence about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks to accuse him of taking Labour to the far left at the behest of unions and to talk up TPP.
$2m to fix botulism scare damage
Trade Minister Tim Groser says New Zealand is partway through a process of restoring its reputation in the world as a safe food producer after Fonterra's whey product contamination scare and subsequent product recall last month.