Latest fromTheft

Victim of stolen car crash named
Police have named the woman killed when a stolen car crashed in Auckland on Friday.

Medal thief's orchard hides a treasure trove
One of the Waiouru war medal thieves is believed to have buried a treasure trove of cash built up over 20 years of crime on his parents' orchard.

AOS callout in Manukau
The Police Armed Offenders Squad is attending an incident in Flatbush, Manukau.

Antique robbery, antique suspects
Police are hunting two elderly men, suspected of stealing 19th century collectibles from a Waikato antique store.

Attempted robbery one big headache
After the first attempt failed, he probably should have knocked it on the head.

Stolen car claims top $100 million
Motorists are paying more than $60 extra on their insurance premiums each year to cover stolen car claims.

The fast and furious crime wave that costs us $100 million a year
The Weekend Herald delves into the underworld of car theft and discovers a thriving multimillion dollar industry.

Online support for Versalko prostitute readers have shown strong support for a prostitute being sued by ASB for the money she was given by fraudster Stephen Versalko.