Latest fromTheft
Online support for Versalko prostitute readers have shown strong support for a prostitute being sued by ASB for the money she was given by fraudster Stephen Versalko.
ASB, prostitute wrestle over Versalko fraud payments
ASB Bank is trying to reclaim up to $2.55 million given by convicted bank fraudster Stephen Versalko to an Auckland prostitute, during his nine year scam.
Man orders taxi as getaway car
A man who allegedly ordered a taxi as a getaway car after abandoning a stolen vehicle in a police pursuit will appear in Dunedin District Court today.
Two arrested on assault and kidnap charges
Two men have been charged with kidnapping, assault with a weapon and aggravated robbery after an incident in Rotorua last week.
ASB fraudster told to repay millions
The High Court orders an ASB Bank adviser to repay millions of dollars stolen from his employer.
Fight for keys, then fatal crash - police
A man has been formally charged after allegedly fighting his partner for car keys on a night of drinking before driving and killing a solo mother.
Victim told to pay thief's account
A student who had her phone stolen has slammed Vodafone after being ordered to repay more than $1700 of calls racked up by the thief.