Latest fromTheft

Store intruder was killer driver
A burglar who died while wrestling with a pharmacist was a convicted killer driver with an extensive criminal history.

Police name man who died in pharmacy
Police have named the man who died in an Auckland pharmacy after a struggle early yesterday morning.

Death after pharmacy struggle 'self defence'
The Herald understands a pharmacist struggled with an intruder and was holding the man down before he went into cardiac arrest.

Thieves brave 220k volts for copper
Brazen but brainless thieves have risked their lives by breaking into a Manawatu wind farm switch yard in an apparent attempt to steal copper wire.

Sheep rustlers jailed
Two men accused of packing 14 stolen sheep into a car have been jailed for 10 months.

Carjacking ends in crash
Carjackings aren't confined to Johannesburg - an Aucklander fell victim to one last night.

Campbell agreed to give evidence to help 'weak' case
TV3 presenter John Campbell. The War Medals case has raised questions about police attempts to force journalists to reveal confidential sources.

Break-in leaves underworld fuming
A warning to the two young men who broke into Michelle Kidd's house while she slept - the police are the least of your problems.

Three arrested over west Auckland blaze
Three men have been arrested and charged in connection with the alleged arson and burglary of a west Auckland discount store gutted in a fire early today.

Sibling burglars arrested
Hamilton police are praising neighbours for helping to catch brother and sister burglars yesterday.

Bank runaways still enjoying millions in China
Rotorua's runaway millionaires continue to enjoy their ill-gotten fortune in Hong Kong and there is nothing NZ police can do about it.

Stolen police car found
A police car stolen from a checkpoint in Hamilton in the early hours of today has been found.