Man paid scammer $68k for fake Rolex watch worth $250
Nicholas O’Loughlin scammed two people, now he's on home detention.
Nicholas O’Loughlin scammed two people, now he's on home detention.
It appears a man found dead on Pt England Rd had been run over by his own vehicle.
Police say the child is also a suspect in a dozen cases, from robbery to armed assault.
In a miraculous turn of events, it's been found and O'Leary couldn't be happier.
Despite an extensive search of the area, police have been unable to find the robber.
The suspect was spotted at a nearby bus stop and the mayonnaise returned.
A worker said staff were fearful about the lead-up to Christmas.
Police say three men forced their way into the man's home.
A man attempted to enter a car on the Te Wharepu Road Off-Ramp, Rangiriri, on Monday.
One allegedly presented a firearm, forcing the victims to abandon their belongings.
The UK has been hit by an increase in thefts and shoplifting in recent years.
Leuatea Iosefa stole $83,000 from a widow and used it to pay off his own debts.
The pair then stole a member of the public's car and took off on Transmission Gully.
A 21-year-old from Upper Hutt and a 39-year-old from Christchurch were arrested.
Taonui Cooper kicked and punched the woman as he demanded she hand over the money.
Lowlife takes Hilux: Kiwi comedian appeals to public for help.
The defendant faces a maximum prison term of seven years.
Four Wood Street businesses were impacted by the attacks.
'I just beg for those who stole it to do the right thing.'
Last year's Winter Pride festival was also marred by acts of vandalism and abuse.
Last year's Winter Pride festival was also marred by acts of vandalism and abuse.
A Queen Street building manager is questioning the figures.
Upset owner: 'We aren’t just talking about money, we are talking about our sanity.'
A man has been charged after allegedly brandishing a knife at a customer’s head at mall.
The victim was reportedly hit in the face with the butt of a pistol.
The couple have been jailed after stealing more than $300,000 worth of goods.
Owners watched thieves raid their businesses on CCTV before deciding to confront them.
The building was used for tangi, hui and other events for the community and hapū.
The burglaries occurred in the Kāpiti district.
The controversial singer has pleaded not guilty.