Latest fromThe Changing World

Detox diets are 'nonsense' - researcher
There are dozens of treatments and products that claim to boost health by cleansing the body of chemicals. But detox diets are nonsense, according to this researcher.

Report proposes tough new laws on cyber bullying
Victims of cyber bullying could strike back at their tormentors through a new, easily accessible...

Nissan: From fringes to the mass market
Nissan is powering ahead with its electric car projects

Solar car ready for its road trip
The country's first road-legal, solar-powered car will be rolled out next week.

Dissolve when you die, help the garden
Uncomfortable with the thought of being buried or cremated when you die? You could always be dissolved.

Rebellion 2.0
Will computer games kill off the novel? Books have survived the coming of film, television and rock ’n’ roll ... and tomorrow’s novels can only be enriched by the likes of Grand Theft Auto, writes Charlie Higson.

Nature's love drug offers hope to addicts
Nature's love drug, oxytocin, could hold the key to helping alcoholics overcome their addiction.

'Big data' the next big thing
Machines will soon be tracking and analysing almost everything you do - if they aren't already.