Latest fromThe Changing World

Dying GP's last wish: Legalise euthanasia
A doctor who has just months to live after being diagnosed with a terminal illness says it's time for euthanasia to be legalised.

Looking for medical marijuana? Get in line
Approved pot growers in New Mexico are struggling to keep up with demand from the 2000 registered medical marijuana patients.

Mum, Dad and kids no longer typical household
Childless or empty-nest couples have replaced iconic families of Mum, Dad and the kids as New Zealand's most common kind of household.

Vitamin C blocks tumour growth: study
NZ researchers have established that vitamin C can help to block the growth of cancer cells.

Forget the LHC - physicists plan new atom smasher
Forget the Large Hadron Collider, Cern's scientists have their hearts set on a new, $9.48 billion, 31km Linear Collider.

NZ technology generates electricity from passing cars
An NZ company has developed a way of generating electricity from passing cars.

Kiwi company unveils life-changing technology
A local company has launched the Rex exoskeleton, a robotic device which enables wheelchair-bound people to walk.

Canadian polar bears facing extinction
Polar bears in the Hudson Bay area of Canada are likely to die out in the next three decades.

A robot for every home by 2010? Yeah, right
Despite bold claims, the development of mass-produced useful, commercial robots hasn't much moved beyond the glorified nut tighteners at car factories.

NZ waking up to value of Mandarin, says Confucius Institute
The Confucius Institute wants to get 50,000 people learning Mandarin by next year.

UK to get 'slicker, smarter' health system
Britain's National Health Service is to be slimmed down, smartened up and democratised.

Police set to get easier access to guns
Guns could be made more accessible to police amid concerns about the growing number of officers being "ambushed".

<i>Vicki Carpenter:</i> Our children deserve nothing but the best from teachers
Teaching is a privilege, but proposed changes require careful consideration, says an education lecturer.

Food prices fall 2pc - biggest annual decline in 50 years
Food prices have fallen by 2pc in the past year, says Statistics NZ, the biggest annual fall since 1957.

UK doctors declare war on junk food
Leading doctors in Britain will today demand tough government action to curb the nation's addiction to unhealthy food.

Tuvalu facing uncertain future
The tiny island nation of Tuvalu is struggling with a raft of issues, including rising sea levels and frequent storm surges.

Nana, get off my Facebook
The risk of receiving a dreaded Facebook friend request from your parents or even grandparents is on the increase.

British PM promises 'people power revolution'
The British public is being urged to suggest their own spending cuts as the Government steps up its search for billions of pounds of savings.

Kiwis' workplace attire becoming more casual
More than 80 per cent of New Zealanders believe we are increasingly adopting a more casual approach to our workplace attire.

Birthplace of 'drive-thru' turns its back on fast food
In a bid to combat rampant obesity levels, law-makers in the US city of Baldwin Park have imposed a moratorium on new fast-food outlets.

Fed-up public open to fuel change
New ETS charges and images of the Gulf of Mexico oil rig catastrophe are giving impetus to the fledgling bio-fuels sector.