Latest fromThe Changing World

Urgent plan needed for over-65s - report
An urgent care plan is needed to meet the needs of NZ's over 65 population which will rise by 84pc in the next 15 years, according to a review.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Virtual thinkers solving real world problems
Citizen cyberscience is a grass-roots initiative that harnesses the power of online volunteers.

NZ microbe to produce ethanol from Chinese pollution
A local biotech firm is set to use its patented microbe technology in China.

Lessons learned the hard way
Canada launches a new safety campaign, but will it be more dangerous than it is preventative?

Nasa mission to hottest of hotspots
Nasa is planning to send a mission to one of the most inhospitable places in the universe – the sun itself.

Camel milk? Pull the udder one
Recently, milk - in the good old fashioned, cow-in-a-field sense of the word - has found itself under attack.

'Magic' process turns kiwifruit into gold
NZ researchers have transformed one kiwifruit into 100 plastic spoons and sewage into power.

Are you descended from Neanderthals?
The first draft of the Neanderthal genome suggests that humans and Neanderthals once interbred, writes Mary Gray.

<i>Gareth Renowden</i>: IPCC verdict - done well, could do better
Now 22 years old, the IPCC is in need of structural reform to defuse ongoing attacks from its detractors.

Beach houses draw record protests
There have been more than 1000 submissions against plans to build houses on an unspoilt Coromandel beach.

The way of the future
From underwater hotels to body-scanning vans, Rachael Darcie McKinnon rounds up the latest and weirdest developments around the world.

New scan shows key to migraines is in the genes
Scientists have found the first inherited link to common migraine and a possible reason for extreme headaches.

Southern lights
Although we're in a period of maximum solar activity, picking a good night to spot aurora isn't that straightforward.

Payments urged for IVF donations
New Zealand fertility experts are asking whether money could be offered to encourage men and women to donate sperm and eggs for childless couples.

<i>Tukoroirangi Morgan:</i> Foreign land sales - we must learn from history
Land sales to foreign investors must be stopped.

Auckland slowly getting greener
Auckland is gradually weaning itself off car dependency, with a slight increase in commuters opting for public transport.

Camping for city slickers
Changespotting: Rachael Darcie McKinnon rounds up the best the web has to offer