Ready to acquire a taste for the 'vacuum cleaners of the sea'?
It can liquefy its body and acts as the waste collector of the seabed, but scientists believe it could become a lucrative culinary export.
It can liquefy its body and acts as the waste collector of the seabed, but scientists believe it could become a lucrative culinary export.
England and Wales yesterday became the first countries in the world to release street-by-street information on crime.
The use of Ecstasy among older professionals is on the rise and even having children is not stopping people from partying with the drug.
Fewer younger women are able to iron a shirt, cook a roast chicken or hem a skirt, according to Australian research.
Asian budget carriers are increasingly using social networks without resorting to print advertising, industry chiefs say.
Gartner estimates that smartphone users will download a shopping 17.7 billion apps - worth US$15bn - this year.
The difficulty is that most university lecturers aren't trained teachers but have generally "picked it up on the job".
Is humanity doomed to a future of religious fundamentalism? Some recent internet articles appear to suggest it is.
The human nose contains roughly 400 olfactory receptors, but no two people have the same sense of smell.
The reign of the kilo as we know it may be about to come to an end.
Great news for students - jeans left unwashed for a year are no dirtier than those that have been worn for a fortnight.
A day in the life of Auckland's buses, trains and ferries.
Partisan politics is causing people to bite off their Big Mac to spite their waist.
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Google has created a mobile phone application that will solve any Sudoku puzzle?
Kiwi cleantech firm LanzaTech just can't seem to stop signing deals.
A great parenting debate is about to be reopened as authors publish books with clashing prescriptions. But will parents be any the wiser?
Ethics experts have approved NZ's first clinical trial using adult stem cells to treat people with spinal injuries.