Latest fromThe Changing World

<i>Mark Irving: </i> When advertising becomes a victim to trends
As an industry we have to be a little careful that these ads don't become too cool and ironic.

Couple raising baby as 'genderless'
A Canadian couple have decided to raise their 4-month-old baby to be 'genderless'.

Rising oceans a threat to Aussie cities
Australia's main cities face floods and king tides from rising sea levels that could make once-in-a-century disasters....

Life underwater is getting louder
The ocean is growing ever-noisier and scientists are increasingly wary of sound's potential to impact sea life beyond just marine mammals.

NZ expedition discovers new species
Two new aquatic species have been discovered at the halfway mark of New Zealand's largest ever...

Kiwi firm uncovers milk defence mechanism
A Hamilton-based company is harnessing the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties found in cow's milk.

Changespotting: Not-so-fantastic plastic
Giving up plastic often starts with good intentions, but consumers can quickly be overwhelmed by the ubiquitous nature of plastic products.

Skin cells to rescue ailing livers
Scientists have been able to convert skin cells into liver cells, a breakthrough that could one day eliminate the need for organ transplants.

Born to be happy: Discovering the 'happiness gene'
Some people are born happy, scientists say. Researchers have identified a "happiness gene" that makes people more likely to feel satisfied with their lives. Their sunny dispostion is an accident of birth, at least in part.

Hold the fast forward, this advert's just for you
Television watchers will soon see tailored advertisements selected for them according to their viewing habits, post codes and type of household.

Mood lighting helps pupils learn
Could the amount of light in a classroom play an important role in the learning process?

Have they got a deal for you
Suddenly, grab-a-bargain websites are everywhere, with deep discounts on anything from burgers to overseas holidays.

With a little help from Gran
In these days of single parent families and working mothers, having Nana or Gramps look after their kids' children is a boon. Or is it?