Latest fromTertiary Education

Universities may turn students away
Universities may have to turn students away from popular degrees if they are not allowed to lift student numbers.

Recession drives unskilled teens back into study
Young New Zealanders have gone back to study in record numbers as unskilled jobs have disappeared in the recession.

Commision backs radical changes to doctor training
Radical changes to the employment and training of hospital doctors have been recommended this afternoon by a Health Ministry-appointed commission.

Bennett to apologise if complaint upheld
Paula Bennett is prepared to say sorry for the release of private income details of two solo mothers if a Privacy Act complaint is upheld.

Bennett says she'll look into loan idea
Paula Bennett has asked her officials to look into setting up a loan to help solo parents cover their extra study costs.

Solo mum 'not angry', says Bennett
Paula Bennett says one of the solo mothers whose benefit details she made public is not angry and didn't feel her privacy had been breached.

Support floods in for Bennett's disclosure
Hundreds of readers have expressed their support for Paula Bennett's disclosure of two solo mothers' benefit amounts.

Minister accused of breaking privacy law
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett is unrepentant for disclosing the amounts two solo mothers have received in benefits.

Bennett: I consulted website before releasing mums' benefits
Paula Bennett told Parliament that, apart from reading the Privacy Commission's website, she did not seek any advice before releasing details of two solo mothers' benefits.

Bennett gets tough with outspoken solo mums
Details of benefits received by two solo mothers have been made public by the Government after the pair criticised cutbacks.