Latest fromTertiary Education

Council pays $60m for sports grounds
Auckland Council is paying $60.7 million for Auckland University's home for cricket and rugby.

Graduation personal triumph after rough start
This week, Fiapaipai Tanea-Sakuma proudly graduated as the only female Samoan student in her class.

Kiwi students race to the top
A racing car designed by New Zealand students that can accelerate from standstill to 100km/h in under four seconds has won an international engineering award.

Critical thinking being marginalised
NZ risks the loss of an "informed and thoughtful citizenry" if the benefits of an arts degree continue to be marginalised, the nation's largest arts faculty warns.

AUT scholars take their talent global
Kelsen Findlay remembers the sense of awe he and classmates had at the start of their degree that one of their peers had scored an internship at Saatchi & Saatchi, Auckland.

Revamp mystifies arts commentator
The radical restructuring of Unitec's design and visual arts department has mystified many who took part in a quality assurance review of the school last year.

Education death by design
A radical new teaching model has sparked fears of creative decline at one of our most successful visual art schools.

NCEA fails students: Universities
Unis say high school students are coming to them under-prepared and with a poor work ethic - and they blame the NCEA system.

$10.5m in extra school funding
The Government is providing $10.5 million in extra school funding to improve student achievement in maths and science.

NZ: Top place to be a woman
New Zealand is among the top 10 best places to be a woman, according to a worldwide report on gender equality.

Graduates' pay dreams 'unrealistic'
New graduates with dreams of earning big bucks when they finally enter the workforce need to be realistic about their starting wage and to be clever about what topics they choose to study, recruitment experts say.

New work rights for foreign students
Low-quality education providers will face the axe and universities and schools considered "high quality" will enjoy privileges, including the ability to offer prioritised visa processing to students.

McD's aims to make degree of difference
Working at McDonald's will gain credits towards a university degree in a deal between the fast-food giant and Massey University.

NZ universities: how ours rate
New Zealand's sole representative on an international list of the top 200 universities has slipped, rankings show.

Changes freeze out older jobless
Older long-term unemployed people look set to lose out in a radical reshuffle of foundation education which will give higher priority to young people.

Soon: e-tests for uni students
University students will start to sit exams online from their own home or office under a remote monitoring system being tested this year by Massey University.

Damien Grant: Canoe paddling puts us in a backwater
According to the OECD, New Zealanders waste a lot of time and money on tertiary education.

Universities dangling cash carrots
School leavers are being urged to take advantage of competition between universities as one offers up to $3000 cash for those with high marks in NCEA.

Targeted tertiary study funding finds favour
When it comes to fixing skills shortages in IT, engineering, technology and trades, 73.8 per cent of those who responded to the Herald's CEO survey wanted to see more funding for tertiary education.

Swallow spew? 'It's your call' - uni
An Otago student who nearly died after swallowing his own vomit during a drinking game is among examples being used to put students off such practices.

Hospitality opens doors to travel
While commerce and accounting graduates may have trouble finding entry jobs in their field, AUT University graduates in hospitality have a number of options.

AUT's Manukau campus to be expanded
Auckland University of Technology's Manukau campus will be expanded to allow the number of students to more than quadruple by 2020, Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Steven Joyce announced today.

Maori academics get a helping hand
Promising Maori academics are being given a hand to study in some of the world's leading universities - with a dash of magic thrown in.

Employers taking skills over grades, says expert
More New Zealand employers are ignoring candidates with the best university grades in favour of those who clearly demonstrate skills, a conference has heard.