Latest fromTertiary Education

Shopping for scholarships
A multitude of scholarships are available for tertiary students but you've got to be in to win.

Failure made me a better leader
A negative experience can stimulate enlightenment; it can reveal the best way forward and motivate you towards it

Creative skills = global opportunity
Not so long ago, parents of a teenager wanting to be an artist or a musician would tell them to get a real job but that perception has changed

Summer slaves
Ant poisoning, mindless retail jobs, summer school - Julie Cleaver says spare a thought for the hard-working students this summer, because they probably won't post about it on Instagram.

The inequality of school achievement
COMMENT: NZ children will continue to live unequal lives until such time as an education minister has the full support of colleagues, writes John Clark.

Editorial: Tertiary fraud waste of time and money
Investigations into six tertiary institutions, from Southland to the Bay of Plenty, have identified more than $25 million in misappropriation. One of them, we reported this week, has been stripped of its registration.

NZ teen's billionaire backer
A Kiwi whizz-kid has bought up another tertiary tutoring business and drawn the attention of NY billionaires as he cast his eyes further afield.

Students and the P word
It's exam season and time to employ old student standbys - procrastination and distraction, writes an expert in the subject, Julie Cleaver.

Oldest uni graduate all class
A former army major will graduate tomorrow for the third time as the oldest of a record number of University of Auckland students.

Steve Maharey: Assessment as learning
What we need to be talking about is the kind of learning that we think is appropriate before we get to assessment, writes Steve Maharey. Good learning begins with the curriculum.

Sweeteners to lure students south
Auckland's best and brightest are being schmoozed with $5000 sweeteners, rugby tickets and ski trips in a bid to boost student numbers in Christchurch.

Auckland in lead as unis rise globally
Auckland University was the only local university in the top 100 in the latest QS rankings increasing gap between the country's top-rated institutes.

Lecturer juggles work and passion
A lecturer who's a self-confessed circus aficionado has more than a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to keeping students from nodding off.

Uni staff meetings with plenty of spin
Back-to-back meetings throughout the week can often mean no time to exercise for those in the corporate world.

Auckland's universities on the ball
With three Universities in the all-important world rankings and a burgeoning international student market, Auckland has an excellent reputation for higher education.

Cost of student debt: no kids
More than one-third of Kiwi university students believe student loans will affect their decision to have children, a report reveals.

Rachel Smalley: Student loans a kick in the teeth to whole generation
Many of our young graduates shoulder huge loans that they will pay off for some years, or head off overseas to pay off, writes Rachel Smalley.

Josh Williams & Derek McCormack: The higher education debate
Do we need more university degrees? Josh Williams says 'no', while Derek McCormack says universities are producing more than degrees.

Bill Sole: NZ needs more apprentices
Urgently, we need to increase the availability and scope of apprenticeships to meet the changing demands of our economy.

Uni exam gets inspired by Breaking Bad
A commercial tax law paper has drawn inspiration from a popular TV series posing an entertaining question about tax and illegal profit-making.

Women flock to farm careers
Lincoln University in Canterbury is known for its stubby-wearing students and land-based prospectus. For the first time in the university's history, females outnumber males.

Ivy League doors open to Kiwis
Each year a handful of our high school students gain entry to some of the world’s top universities. It’s an exclusive, mysterious process - but should it be?

Massey denies degree bought influence
A university has been accused of buying influence after giving an honorary doctorate to the Chinese President's wife.

Cash woes at campus
Ambitious building plans by Manukau Institute of Technology that would have transformed its campuses will likely not begin for at least 10 years.

Older student numbers plummet
Numbers of older students are dropping and Government cuts are to blame, says the national student union and lobby group Grey Power.

Verity Johnson: Mature students take the biscuit
We don't talk enough about how fantastic mature-aged university students are, thinks Verity Johnson.

Student union critical of uni fee 'tinkering'
A reduction in the fee increases tertiary institutions can charge is likely to save the average student $60 a year, but student unions say this is unlikely to help solve student debt.

Reining in of university fees 'paltry'
University fee hikes are to be reined in by the Government - but a student union has dismissed any savings as paltry.

Otago Uni researchers receive $1.8m in funding
Otago University researchers have come out on top in health awards scooping up more than $1.8 million in funding for research.