'Remarkable': Extensive damage to new rental thousands to repair
Tenant who trashed new rental home also took batteries out of smoke alarms.
Tenant who trashed new rental home also took batteries out of smoke alarms.
The tenant was entitled to quiet enjoyment of her home without disturbance - tribunal.
Two tenants lived in discomfort for years in a converted implement shed on an orchard.
A mother and son duo claimed the property was unliveable - then rented it to someone else.
An 18-year tenancy went bad when her landlord's son inherited the house.
Medical evidence showed the mould-ridden house caused lasting health issues to a baby boy.
A housing and health researcher says the history of meth testing is a 'long and sad one'.
Tribunal: Tenants entitled to use bathroom without fear of falling through floor.
The tenant's family and friends stopped visiting her and she became depressed and anxious.
The judgment is the second against the trust in just over a month.
Issues included rotting floorboards and cupboards and a mould-ridden ceiling.
He was given notice after a call to the council revealed his flat wasn't permitted.
Profiting from renting dangerous and unlawful premises has to stop, tenancy tribunal rules
The woman made multiple complaints but it 'fell on deaf ears'.
Judge Paul Mabey found there was a 'consistent pattern of fraud' in the woman's offending.
The group of young female students claimed security issues led to two burglaries.
The tenant went nearly four months without a working shower.
Baseball bat used by tenant to destroy walls and appliances in rental, then flooded.