Tenants kept awake by cockroaches ‘scuttling across ceiling’ awarded $12k
The residents were paying $1300 per week to live in the house.
The residents were paying $1300 per week to live in the house.
The woman was offered a home, then told to leave after noticing issues on her first day.
The Camerons lived rent-free for 15 months, now they only have to fork out half the bill.
Tribunal: It's 'extraordinary' Kyle Webster ignored such an important issue for so long.
Tenancy adjudicator said Angela Cai's actions 'distressed and frightened' the girl.
Renting an old property out cheaply doesn't excuse landlords from ensuring it's habitable.
Auckland landlord was advised to get her act together but chose not to, tribunal says.
The Act 'has to change': Retirement Village Residents Assoc president.
Property managers have evicted a loud and foul-mouthed tenant after neighbours complained.
Tanya Lieven's conduct is under the microscope for the third time.
Landlord Timothy Stewart said he was 'horrified' by the way the tenancy had been managed.
The tenant would have been left homeless if the landlord had been successful.
The landlord did not investigate the tenant's 'legitimate concerns', a tribunal found.
That was despite meth testing at the Metropolis apartment coming back negative.
Rising immigration and more students cited as driving factors.
They lost $2750 in bond and rent after a scammer piggybacked off a real house viewing.
It hopes to encourage more rentals. Officials are unsure if tenants will benefit.
Douglas Thompson gunned down his former partner and her new boyfriend in 2001.
One man said Kāinga Ora has let them get away with it for so long, nothing will change.
Nick Hoogwerf & Donna Miers: Tenants, landlords customers left out of pocket.
The case ended up in the Tenancy Tribunal where the termination notice was set aside.
'A truth that nobody is willing to talk about or don’t have the guts to deal with.'
When a visit was made, the tenant's relative had been living in the house rent-free.
A tenant owes more than $10k to ex-landlord for rent arrears, damage and rubbish clean-up.
He heard a noise coming from his ceiling ... but it wasn't rodents causing problems.
Tenancy Tribunal: "The property should not have been offered for residential tenancies."
Villa was boarding house and renters were not flatmates, Tenancy Tribunal rules.
The landlord was left thousands out of pocket, the Tenancy Tribunal heard.
She was very surprised to see her former home advertised only days later.
Renter hospitalised when her landlord exacerbated her stress levels through harassment.