What will happen to Elliot Page's Netflix role?
The actor plays superhero Vanya Hargreeves in the show Umbrella Academy.
The actor plays superhero Vanya Hargreeves in the show Umbrella Academy.
Years before she was Moira in Schitt's Creek, Catherine O'Hara was another iconic mum.
Hilton got candid with Vogue and spilled on her rare bags stolen by the Bling Ring.
"My character is pretty repellent, actually! And you'll like my wig."
New York Times: Season 4 delves into a new decade, with a musical soundtrack to match.
The controversial celebrity chef knows how it feels to be roasted after host's monologue.
The meteor glowed strongly as it rapidly descended through the Earth's atmosphere.
NBC apologises after reboot of Saved By The Bell pokes fun at Selena Gomez's health.
Watching a great white stalk a crew member was both awesome and chilling, Gayford says.
Raising orphan chick Marvin like having a newborn baby again, celebrity cook says.
Jerry Seinfeld is compiling thousands of jokes he's built up over the years in a new book.
As Wigglemania grips New Zealand, Karl Puschmann gets the lowdown from the Yellow Wiggle.
The amount of streaming services may surprise you. We look at them all.
As the series comes to an end, Steve Braunias rejects belief David Bain killed his family.
New York Times: Dramatic liberties in the latest season are annoying Britons.
ABC has confirmed that fan-favourite Michael will be back in his quest for love.
Anne Hegerty has spoken out about pay arrangements, revealing it's not what fans think.
The gaffe had viewers confusing the game show for the comedy edition.
Fans claim it was the worst TV show ending of all time and failed to tie up loose ends.
Disney+ looks behind the super spandex; real-life wars inspire Netflix and Neon war films.
Now, Pratik Patel wants to help inspire other migrants to believe in their dreams.
Tim "The Toolman" Taylor was widely successful. Here's why they pulled the plug.
The episode featured an actress playing a Chinese empress, eating bugs, rats and hair.
New York Times: The new season has sparked an especially large flurry of reactions.
Some are treating the fictional show as a history lesson, angering royal insiders.
New York Times: The face that launched a thousand tabloid stories takes centre stage.
New York Times: The self-described liberal left-winger has thrived as Prince Charles.
These are the horrors you might be seeing on your screen come 2021.
Darragh Ennis previously appeared as a contestant. Now he's made his Chaser debut.
Absurd times call for absurd comedy like Aunty Donna's Big Ol' House of Fun.