Latest fromTelecommunications
Technology brings Santa to his fans at Starship
Just hours after surgery, 6-year-old Tabitha Monk rushed to put on her Sunday best for a chat with Santa from his North Pole grotto.
Research firm cans 50 jobs
Market research company Colmar Brunton is to close its North Shore call centre.
Watchdog savages Telecom after XT outage
An industry watchdog has harsh words for Telecom after a fault disabled its XT network in most parts of the country today.
Telecom fined $500,000 for misleading broadband ads
The Commerce Commission has made an example of Telecom.
Patterson's tricky fight for mobile fee solution
As the year rushes to an end, Telecommunications Commissioner Ross Patterson will spend the final weeks of 2009 deciding whether to regulate part of the mobile market.
<i>Anthony Doesburg:</i> Cellphone newcomer playing a waiting game
Anyone waiting for cellular network newcomer 2degrees to add on-account services to the prepaid plans it launched at the start of August shouldn't hold their breath.
<i>Adam Gifford:</i> Real competition rings changes
Determined newcomer 2Degrees forces the big two telcos to seriously court Kiwi consumers.