NI cities first to be connected to broadband scheme
Five North Island cities will be among the first to benefit from the Govt's $1.5b scheme to deliver ultra-fast broadband.
Five North Island cities will be among the first to benefit from the Govt's $1.5b scheme to deliver ultra-fast broadband.
Finally, mobiles are living up to their early promise.
Telco rivals say they have the technology to deliver the Government's goals.
These days, if someone calls me for "a chat", I adopt the same quizzical expression as if they'd suggested we mud-wrestle each other for kicks.
The best-selling author of The Tipping Point has enraged social network users by dismissing their impact on real issues. It is, Tim Adams writes, just the latest salvo in an argument set to run and run.
The smartphone revolution is gaining momentum and mobile operator 2degrees expects more than half of phones sold here next year will be smartphones.
Arch rivals Telecom and Vodafone have joined forces to try to deliver high-speed broadband to more NZ homes and schools.
Vodafone New Zealand are down 35,000 customers in the quarter ending September according to reports from its UK parent.