Latest fromTelecommunications
Broadband back after NZ-wide cut
Broadband services are returning for hundreds of thousands of Telecom customers following an outage this morning.
Telco's 'fair use' data roaming
Telecom has announced flat-rate data plans for its customers travelling overseas, with CEO Simon Moutter saying they would be easier for customers to understand.
A healthy text life
Twenty years ago this week, when humans still roamed the Earth freely without buzzing or beeping, a UK engineer unleashed the world's first text message.
Kiwis still big texters after 20 years
After 20 years of texting technology, New Zealanders are still avid text messagers, despite a decline in use overseas as smartphones take over.
Government spies may face court
The Kim Dotcom case threatens to pull New Zealand's most secretive spy agency into court in a bid which could probe intelligence links with the United States.
Vodafone loses 50,000 customers
Vodafone lost 50,000 mobile customers between July and September, on the back of similar losses in the New Zealand market earlier this year.
Independence key to IT fix-it firm
Industry veterans rely on selling their expertise, not hardware or software.
Chorus to pay for difficult UFB hookups
A solution to who pays for connecting difficult-to-reach houses to the new ultra-fast broadband network appears to have been reached, though it may only last three years.
TelstraClear boss stepping down
TelstraClear chief executive Allan Freeth is leaving the company, following its sale to Vodafone New Zealand.
For hire, for $25,000
Anna Cudby is willing to become a human billboard for up to five months so she can repay a $25,000 student loan.
Vodafone Australia facing mass job cuts
Vodafone Australian plans to cut hundreds of jobs as it works to turn around its struggling performance.