Waka - Episode 4
Introducing the waka carvers: Freddie Tauotaha. Made with support from NZ On Air. Video / A Tawera / E-Tangata
Introducing the waka carvers: Freddie Tauotaha. Made with support from NZ On Air. Video / A Tawera / E-Tangata
Introducing the waka carvers: Alika Bumatay. Made with support from NZ On Air. Video / A Tawera / E-Tangata
Introducing the waka carvers: Billy Harrison. Made with support from NZ On Air. Video / A Tawera / E-Tangata
'Stop moaning about iwi checkpoints and let Māori leadership help us through.'
Sir Hek Busby and the lost art of canoe building. Made with support from NZ On Air. Video / A Tawera / E-Tangata
More than 30 secondary schools will pilot 'Te Ao Haka', available for NCEA at all levels.
A rousing kapa haka performance was the perfect way to end the night.
Invercargill resident Tyson Gene Grennell says the racist graffiti on the te reo school is 'hurtful'. Made with funding from NZ On Air. Video / The South Today
Bilingual road signs in Aotearoa New Zealand would tell us where we are as a nation
Transmission Gully has been blessed with names gifted by Ngāti Toa Rangatira.
"As soon as you do this, you become the kaitiaki of these values." - Temuera Hall.
"All of our carvings on the outside have deteriorated through time and weather."
A beauty queen like no other. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei says we don't need to wait for politicians to make the change.
They threatened to switch providers, then 2degrees stepped in.
A new playground will serve as a memorial to the life of a prominent chief.
Party co-leader John Tamihere announced the policy, which focuses on Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
The funding for projects will bring more than 300 jobs with Māori firms and assets.
These children will grow up confident in who they are as Māori.
Stace, Mike & Anika Moa have sat down to discuss their three different experiences of growing up Māori to celebrate Māori Language Week. On this episode, they discuss how te reo is unexpectedly a very sexy language. Video / The Hits
Stace, Mike & Anika discuss why making mistakes is actually very beneficial for learning. Stace says that the mistakes she made with the language are the ones she will never forget. Video / The Hits
Language revitalisation takes three generations.
Editorial: Throughout the week, we have a sprinkling of Māori across our daily lives.
"We are all on our own unique journeys... the key is to just start."
Stace, Mike & Anika talk about the first steps to learning and respecting the Māori Language. For Mike, he took his first step when he began to pronounce 'Tauranga' correctly. Video / The Hits
Stace, Mike & Anika discuss the relationship they have with their Marae and why it is so important to stay in touch with their roots. Video / The Hits
Stace, Mike & Anika discuss why it is so important to pass on the language and culture to the next generation. They talk about how the next generation have more resources than anyone before us to learn and experience the native language. Video / The Hits
Flava radio host Astley Nathan and the Kōrero100 panel discuss how it feels to be a Māori man in 2020.
Live from 8pm: The Kōrero100 panel discuss how it feels to be a Māori man in 2020.
You can now put your name into the site to see how it translates to te reo Māori.