Myrtle rust discovered in Waitākere Ranges
The fungus was recently found to be killing mature native trees.
The fungus was recently found to be killing mature native trees.
This year has seen the second-biggest black-billed gull colony on the river in 20 years.
A UN special rapporteur says water should not be treated as a traded commodity.
David Parker welcomes the first intake in the Jobs for Nature programme.
Tame Malcolm is combining his passion for the land with hard graft and te ao Māori.
Rio Tinto has already announced its intention to exit Tiwai Point in August next year.
Report shows farm profitability across Ashburton District expected to decline.
$37,000 in fines has been handed out after Irongate Stream was polluted by milk solution.
Pipes made for one-in-30-year floods need to be future-proofed for climate change.
The motion is coupled with a suite of new policies aimed at curbing climate change.
A public health warning has been issued for Pegasus Lake.
Waikato Regional Council chairman defends council's 'white as snow' procurement process.
More than half of New Zealand lakes surveyed have either poor or very poor water quality.
DoC hunters and contractors worked over four months.
Council is confident it could 'reduce the odour to a level where it is not offensive'.
It hopes to deliver up to 300 plans to improve land management and the environment.
Some of this work would reduce the flooding risk to 450 homes.
The trees are being sold for $25 each with the proceeds going to the I Am Hope charity.
Owners 'ignored' court orders to clean up toxic chemicals.
Two pairs of birds at a Southland sanctuary raise hopes of boosting numbers.
There have been 35k unexplained deaths over 11 years of the critically endangered species.
New team employed by the Te Wai Mauri Environmental Trust, funded through the PGF.
The new 40-bed Mintaro Hut was originally estimated to cost $1.8 million.
A New Zealand Falcon has been spotted exhibiting some very unusual behaviour.
Zealandia is a 225ha ecosanctuary that has reintroduced 20 species of native wildlife.
NZ a stand-out in conservation report painting sorry picture of rest of world's efforts.
Despite decades of work, NZ's native birds are closer to the brink now than 40 years ago.
Robert Armitstead is accused of entering closed tracks three times during 2019.
Illegal concreting of waterfall's edge in Poroti is affecting the safe passage of eels.
Whanganui electorate candidates on energy. Made with funding from NZ On Air.