Keep Whanganui beautiful: plea by Craig
Helen Craig and other councillors want Whanganui to enter Keep NZ Beautiful Awards
Helen Craig and other councillors want Whanganui to enter Keep NZ Beautiful Awards
Jim Edwards regards the river as a Hawke's Bay wonder, were it not for the silt.
Residents queue for water while some properties draw unmetered water.
The plan was to plant 1.1 million pine trees - then someone looked at the ground.
A gall mite imported from the northern hemisphere could help control old man's beard.
Lake Waingaro normally supplies about 70 per cent of water for Kerikeri's town supply.
First kiwi chick has hatched in the Pukenui Forest on Whangārei city's western flank.
An excavator caught fire at Pukepoto Quarries on Saturday.
Councils would be required to map hot-spots for native species under new recommendations.
Researchers are warning rubbish is becoming a "growing hazard" at New Zealand's beaches.
DoC rangers surprised one of New Zealand's rarest birds has laid eggs in October.
A community group set up to protect Otakiri Springs has had a small court victory.
Te Papa summit to explore how high-tech innovation can fight climate change.
Neville Peat's book is Invading the Sea: Coastal Hazards and Climate Change in Aotearoa NZ
Two youngsters caught flying drone near endangered dotterels during breeding season.
Climate change has started and we all must take action.
Beer prices could double, according to a new study.
Kiwis could soon be able undertake investment through a new carbon fund.
Researcher slams regional council, which says it is addressing issues in the catchment.
Looking for clarity in the murk of a polluted lake. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Readers write: Stop seabed mining; putting virtue on show; guilty till proven innocent
We're all frogs in climate change's pot - but there's still time to turn the burner down.
Wastewater from 80 per cent of New Zealand to be tested for illegal drug use
Work to start on a new biodiversity strategy for New Zealand.
Announcement made in Ahuriri on New Zealand's new for a new biodiversity strategy.
Costs to upgrade drinking water supply now nearly $500,000 more than thought.
UN report on limiting warming to another 1.5C should "end magical thinking", expert says.
New rules will be in place by 2020 to stop the degradation of freshwater quality.
Macroinvertebrate health likely or very likely degrading at two out of five sites.