Latest fromTaupo
Didymo Dave aims to beat the rock snot
Dave Cade is pushing hard to keep didymo - or rock snot - out of Taupo waterways.
Reach for the sky, then fall from it
Bizarre things go through your head when you are ascending to 4500 metres and about to jump out of a small plane over Lake Taupo with an American strapped to your back.
Golden girl follows sister down the aisle
Olympic rowing champion and golden twin Caroline Evers-Swindell formed a new partnership yesterday - this one for life.
Three have lucky escape after dam gates open
Three people had a lucky escape from the Waikato River after hydro dam gates opened a torrent of water onto them.
Taupo: Busy bees
Paul Rush finds that a fun-filled family holiday around Taupo region can be enjoyed at minimal cost.
North Island set for soaking
Parts of the North Island are set for a soaking today, with up to 140mms of rain expected to fall in some areas.
Shot hunter fights for life
A hunter is fighting for his life in Waikato Hospital after being shot by another hunter south of Taupo last night.
Hilton opens deluxe Taupo hotel
Tourism centre Taupo gets a boost in the arm today with the opening of a luxury hotel.
Our guide to Guy Fawkes
Find out where to watch fireworks displays in your area tonight and during the weekend.
Another cold snap set to hit NZ - MetService
A cold southerly is set to dump more snow on the Desert Road and bring a chill to much of the country.
Snow storm likely to cost farmers thousands
This week's snow storm could have killed up to 200 lambs on each Hawkes Bay hill country farm affected, Federated Farmers says.