Dedicated cyclist sorely missed by family after fatal Nelson crash
"Her family just want her back."
"Her family just want her back."
Jessica Boyce 'always found the light in the darkest of times', her family says.
Jessica Boyce, 27, has not been seen since March 19.
Jessica Boyce's vehicle has been located at Lake Chalice, in Mount Richmond Forest.
Police were notified just after 2pm that someone had been seen trying to start a fire.
Cordons are still in place on Moutere Highway at Maisey Rd and Old Coach Rd.
A decision has been made to allow the state of emergency to expire.
Firefighters have created a 30m "black-out" zone around the fire area.
There is currently still 250 people evacuated from their homes.
The display proceeded despite a total ban on lighting any fires in the area.
Bill Reid suffered minor injuries during the hard landing
The festival ran all weekend and was located near Upper Takaka.
Residents who have returned to their homes told to be prepared to leave at short notice.
Episode Five: On today's Viewpoint NZ we're gearing up for the next bushfires and find the endangered seagulls being fed on cold chips.
The cost of the wildfires in Nelson could yet exceed the Port Hills fires in 2017.
Female firefighter hospitalised yesterday with dehydration is "recovering well".
Fighting the blaze will take weeks, if not months, fire chief warns today.
Officials said it was a balancing act allowing 680 households to return.
Wakefield evacuees could return home tonight, dew and high humidity helping firefighters.
Police are at the scene of a serious incident in Motueka tonight.
Prohibited activities include those where metal meets stone and that can generate sparks.
Online petition pushing for man fighting Nelson blaze to be spared.
Police are seeking information as they continue to investigate the two fires.
"We remind people that the safety of the public and their properties is the priority."
Nearly 900 properties were evacuated in the Wakefield area on Friday.
Winds over 50km/h would ground the helicopters which have been dumping water on the blaze.
Affected residents speak about being evacuated and helping out on the home front.
A second fire has broken out in Walter's Bluff, in Nelson.
Nelson residents are being evacuated following a second fire.