Daycare death: Teachers on duty at time
The manager of the Auckland daycare centre where a 4-year-old died recently says teachers were supervising the playground when the "tragic accident" happened.
The manager of the Auckland daycare centre where a 4-year-old died recently says teachers were supervising the playground when the "tragic accident" happened.
The head of an Auckland daycare where a child died is speaking out for the first time.
The head of an Auckland daycare where a child died is speaking out for the first time.
The 4-year-old boy who died while playing on a playground at his Takapuna daycare in Auckland has been farewelled in India tonight.
A 4-year-old boy who died at his Auckland daycare on Friday has been described as a "little angel" at a prayer service held in his memory today.
The young boy killed in a tragic accident at an Auckland daycare centre has been described as your typical 4-year-old who loved making friends.
Students at an Auckland school were 20 minutes into their history scholarship exam this morning before it was cancelled.
A series of minor crashes are causing traffic problems across parts of Auckland.
Landowners on three Auckland sites who were told to hurry up or lose fast-track building rights 16 months ago have sat by while land values have skyrocketed.
A large diesel spill at Takapuna's Lake Pupuke has raised concerns for birds and wildlife.
Australian retail, a gourmet grocer, another retail floor, big seismic upgrade and apartments are possible for Takapuna's Shore City.
Eerie image shows double-murder accused at spot where he allegedly buried his victims after taking undercover cop to the spot.
Hundreds of Takapuna parking spaces could soon become homes and businesses in a major project being lined up for Auckland's North Shore.
Former America's Cup skipper Chris Dickson upsets neighbours by cutting down mature pohutukawa - just days after the trees lost protection.
The campaign to turn Takapuna's caravan park into a marina has more outrageous plot twists than a soap opera.
Supporters of the Takapuna waterfront camping ground turned out in force last night in a bid to push for its long-term lease on public reserve and a facelift.
An Auckland multi-millionaire has won year-long legal fight over a driveway gate with his rich-list neighbour.
A bus and a car have crashed in Takapuna, Auckland but no one has been injured.
Aucklanders could soon be able to enjoy a beer or a wine legally while picnicking at Takapuna Beach.
Harbour Access Trust has already printed the brochures and had them delivered to some letter boxes.
Supporters of the threatened Takapuna Beach Holiday Camp rallied in support of the seaside North Shore facility at a public meeting last night.
Auckland Council announced that revised plans for a Yachting New Zealand centre on Takapuna Beach reserve are supported by the majority of public submissions.
Plans for a high-performance sailing centre on a Takapuna Beach reserve in Auckland have drawn solid opposition from those trying to keep the site as a camping ground.
Olympic rowing champion Joseph Sullivan will be among 1,600 competitors taking part in the King of the Bays event at Takapuna Beach on April 18.
A man has been taken to hospital in a critical condition after a crash in Takapuna, Auckland today.
Fingers crossed, you will be blessed with a refreshing sea breeze as you tackle these top walks.