Robber goes to Supreme Court to keep $5k awarded to victim
Joshua Van Silfhout robbed a lone service station worker of cigarettes and cash in 2010.
Joshua Van Silfhout robbed a lone service station worker of cigarettes and cash in 2010.
Jiri Kupec tried to smuggle 20kg of meth into New Zealand in suitcase linings.
Sexual assault laws need reform says expert after man uses reluctant consent defence.
Rapist told victim - “that’s what love is, that’s what you get for being my girlfriend".
The woman who led a vulnerable misfit to his death can now be named.
Mark Chisnall believes his continued detention goes against the Bill of Rights.
The man appeared in Auckland District Court today.
Justin Burke helped carry out a 'hiding' but claims he didn't know it would end in death.
Protesters chanted “shame” outside a salon in wave of unrest amid govt's judiciary plans.
The former rich-lister, however, can still not be named and is seeking another appeal.
Can Google be sued for helping extremists spread terror message, attract recruits?
No obvious contender among possible successors to star politician, strong communicator.
A report into the conduct of the Crown in the case of Alan Hall now sits with police.
Jason Brendon Philip was sentenced to home detention, but was later resentenced to jail.
OPINION: A Supreme Court decision on the voting age is stepping on parliamentary toes.
The Supreme Court puts the issue in play.
OPINION: Our editorial on a conscience vote to lower the voting age.
Lowering voting age to 16 at local elections could offer 'trial run'.
Alan Hall spent 19 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit.
Supreme Court turns down killer Joseph Wheeler's bid.
The mother and son were prosecuted over transactions totalling more than $53 million.
A small group of New Zealand Uber drivers were ruled to be employees.
Michelle Boag was today revealed as the political figure named in the high-profile case.
Ana Shaw objected to a large legal costs bill; now it's higher after losing appeal bid.
Ellis: 'I really know I'm not guilty of abusing children at the Civic Creche.'
'[We] never doubted ... he was innocent and that was it," say Peter Ellis' family.
The man at the centre of the case is no longer alive to see today's verdicts.
The Supreme Court has quashed Ellis' 13 convictions, saying there was a "substantial miscarriage of justice" in the case of the former creche worker who was jailed for child sexual abuse in 1993. Video / Courts of NZ
Peter Ellis has had his name cleared in a history-making call by the highest court in NZ.
Focus: Ellis lawyers and family friend speak post appeal. Video / NZ Herald