Latest fromSuper Fund

'Bah! Humbug!' - Sheppard slams ethical spending Bill
A Parliamentary Bill aimed at ethical Government investments is "not practical" and could hamper businesses, an opponent said.

Shell petrol stations now Kiwi-owned
Infratil and the NZ Super Fund says they have finalised the purchase of Shell New Zealand in a $696.5 million joint venture deal.

Compulsory Super not on taskforce agenda
Yesterday's Capital Markets Development Taskforce report made no recommendation for compulsory superannuation.

ACC, Super Fund prop up Govt books as tax take dwindles
The investment portfolios of ACC and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund continued to prop up the government's books as corporate and personal tax revenues dwindled, says Treasury.

Workers serious about retirement saving - survey
New Zealanders are flooding into KiwiSaver and once again saving for their retirement, a survey shows.

Catching Oz not possible without slashing Govt spending - Brash
Govt spending would have to be slashed by $9 billion for NZ to catch Australia in the wealth stakes, Don Brash said today.

<i>2025 Report:</i> Brash comes up with predictable prescription
The 2025 taskforce report, on ways to catch up with Australia, presents radical suggestions to cut taxes and government spending.