Ngai Tahu, Superfund wanted to buy SC Finance
The New Zealand Superfund and Ngai Tahu were part of a consortium of investors whose bid for South Canterbury Finance was rejected last month, says opposition finance spokesman David Cunliffe.
The New Zealand Superfund and Ngai Tahu were part of a consortium of investors whose bid for South Canterbury Finance was rejected last month, says opposition finance spokesman David Cunliffe.
The version of the free market we had wasn't really free or perfect.
What if money saved compulsorily is simply shipped offshore to be invested in foreign companies and assets?
Let's assume for the sake of argument that people are more open to the idea of a later age of retirment eligibility than they give us credit for.
The chairman of the NZX says state owned enterprises should be partially privatised and a compulsory super scheme introduced.
The Super Fund may take part in a big rural land buy up, says its boss Adrian Orr.
Finance Minister Bill English says the debate around compulsory superannuation will come again and revive the issue of whether means testing should be introduced.